Lesson 6


1. Match the words and the definitions.

1. admirer d. Someone who likes a particular person
2. arrogant b. someone who thinks they’re better or more important than they really are
3. astonished e. Extremely surprised
4. extravagant c. someone who spends too much money
5. fall in love with f. to have strong romantic feelings for someone
6. in debt g. owing money
7. rough a. something that has not smooth an uneven surface.


2. Re-read this part of the story. Complete the summary using the words and phrases in the box.

lesson 6(1)

Pip feels that he doesn’t understand his feelings for Estella and his future in London also seems (1) uncertain.
In spite of this, he often visits Estella in Richmond and she tells him that she wants to trick all of her admirers (2) except for him.
Then Pip learns that his sister has died and he travels home for the funeral. He promises Biddy that he will visit them often, but (3) neither of them believe that he will.
Pip’s 21st birthday arrives and Mr Jaggers gives him a present of £500 from his benefactor but (4) doesn’t tell him who it is.

Pip uses the money to help his friend Herbert. Then, one night, Pip meets Magwitch again and he is astonished to find out that he is actually his (5) benefactor. He has made a fortune as a sheep farmer in Australia and wants to share his money with Pip because he (6) means more to him than a son.


3. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

3. Looking back, were there any clues in the story which suggested who Pip’s benefactor was?

Magwitch asked another convict to give Pip a shiny new coin.
There was a mystery around who Pip’s benefactor was, which suggested that his benefactor didn’t want Pip to know his/her true identity.
Miss Havisham giving money to Estella, which suggests that she had decided to invest her money in Estella’s future, rather than Pip’s.


4. The writer uses adjectives to give more details about a) the characters, b) the characters’ thoughts and feelings and c) places. What do the adjectives in these examples add more details about?

1. I had an unpleasant surprise. b
2. Then I noticed an elegant lady sitting next to Miss Havisham. a
3. The room that we sat in was dark and gloomy, ... c

5. Re-read this part of the story and look for other examples of adjectives the writer has used to add more detail. Make notes on what each adjective adds for the reader.

Characters’ thoughts and feelings: ‘I also felt guilty for two reasons’
Characters: ‘Estella was a proud, hard woman.’
Characters’ thoughts and feelings: ‘I usually felt unhappy when we were together.’
Characters: ‘The wealthy woman, who Estella lived with in Richmond, had introduced her to many people in London.’
Places: The Finches, an expensive gentlemen’s club.