Lesson 1


1. Choose the correct definition for each word, then check in a dictionary.

1. contribution g. doing something to make a difference to a situation
2. common sense a. a basic level of practical knowledge
3. (career) direction d. the way that someone is changing or developing their working life
4. employment b. when someone is paid to do a job
5. life experience i. the knowledge you gain from life
6. life-changing f. something so important it results in your life being different
7. reinvent (yourself) c. to change who you are, e.g. by starting a different job
8. wisdom h. the ability to use your knowledge of life to make good decisions
9. working knowledge e. a simple understanding of how something works


2. Read three texts about people who have experienced interesting changes in their lives. Which story could have the title: ‘Changing jobs to find the right career’? Think of titles for the other two texts.

Nabila: Don’t forget your childhood dreams.
Amira: Changing jobs to ind the right career.
Sami: Use your experience to help other people.

3. Read the three texts again. Answer the questions.

1. Which person has used a mistake earlier in their life to have a positive impact on other people? Sami
2. Which person didn’t know their job existed until someone told him/her about it? Sami
3. Which person questioned whether or not he/she was doing the right job? Amira
4. Which person now uses their experiences as a young person to help others? Sami
5. Who had to study in order to achieve what he/she wanted to achieve? All three of them


5. Look at these sentences and write which verb form is used in your notebook.

1. I’ve always loved writing stories ....

I‘ve (always) loved (present perfect simple)

2. When my children grew up, I realised that I hadn’t done any writing for years.

I hadn’t done (past perfect simple)

3. My mum was always telling me to do my homework, but I just wanted to play football.

was (always) telling (past continuous)

4. I got the job and I’ve been working there ever since.

I’ve been working (present perfect continuous)