Lesson 6


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words from this part of the story.

lesson 6(2)

1. We’re going to move back to France permanently because I have a new job there.
2. I crouched down next to my 3-year-old son so we could talk more easily.
3. I hadn’t expected you to desert me at the wedding. I thought you wanted to marry me!
4. My heart sank when I opened the letter with my exam grades, they weren’t very good.
5. There’s a night watchman who walks around the buildings at night.
6. We really fear for Ahmed because he’s going to try a really dangerous new trick on his bike today.
7. I’m not sure whether the event will still go ahead, but I’ll check and confirm with you.


2. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. After discovering who his benefactor is, Pip believes he won’t marry Estella. T
2. Provis admits that he had brought someone else with him and this is the man Pip saw on the stairs. F, Provis tells Pip that he hadn’t brought a man with him.
3. Provis says that he also wants to help Herbert to become a gentleman. T
4. Provis met Compeyson and Arthur and began to steal with the two of them until they were all caught. F, Provis met Compeyson and Arthur and began to steal with Compeyson until they were all caught.


4. In this part of the story, the writer uses several words and phrases to show that two things were happening at the same time. Read these sentences and find the words or phrases that the writer used for this reason.

a. My heart sank when I heard this news. when
b. Even with the new clothes that I had bought him, he still looked like a convict. still
c. We did not go out for several days while I wondered what to do. while
d. I was grateful to Provis because he had done so much for me, but at the same time, I also disliked his behaviour. at the same time
e. As he grew up, he continued to steal and spent more and more time in prison. It was while he was hiding in the graveyard nearby that he met me. As; while

5. Read the sentences in Exercise 4 again and answer the questions.

1. Which part of the sentence are the words and phrases in?

The words and phrases are either used at or near the start of the second part (clause) of the sentence, or at the start of the sentence (e.g. As he grew up ...).