Lesson 3


1. Listen to a discussion between Magda and Heba. Read the arguments they make and decide who makes them: Magda (M) or Heba (H).

1. Younger people can’t learn anything from older people because they don’t know how to use technology. H
2. Younger people can’t learn anything from older people because older people are the ones who need help from younger people. H
3. Younger people can get useful advice from older people. M
4. Older people aren’t the only ones who can give younger people useful advice. H
5. Some older people have led lives that aren’t very interesting so young people can’t learn anything from their life experiences. H
6. Older people are able to help younger people just because they’ve been alive for a lot longer. M

2. Listen again. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences about the discussion.

1. One of the speakers thinks that few/many older people know how to use the Internet.
2. Magda knows a few/a lot of older people who use the Internet.
3. Magda got a little/a lot of help from her grandmother last year when she was having a tough time.
4. Sometimes/Every time she has a problem, Heba’s brother helps her to find solutions.
5. One of the speakers thinks that younger people can’t learn from the life experiences of some/any of the older people who have had boring lives.