Practice Exercises 4

Choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

1. The new hotel is very .............. . It has 200 rooms and three swimming pools by the sea.

A. impressive

B. impress

C. impressed

D. impression

2. The artist told me that she took .............. from her father, who was also a painter.

A. ventilation

B. ammunition

C. inspiration

D. respiration

3. Tarek’s grandfather .............. a long illness, and is back home after many weeks in hospital.

A. treated

B. achieved

C. overdid

D. overcame

4. Sara is the best .............. for the job. She has more experience than anyone else.

A. intern

B. candidate

C. interview

D. direction

5. A job on the website looks very interesting, you should .............. for it.

A. supply

B. reply

C. apply

D. imply

6. If you want this job, you need to send your .............. vitae.

A. professional

B. profile

C. personal

D. curriculum

7. He leaned over and .............. in my ear, but I didn’t hear what he said.

A. shouted

B. whispered

C. cried

D. sang

8. The neighbours were .............. with all the noise the dog was making.

A. cheered up

B. agreeing

C. pleased

D. fed up

9. Osama worked hard in the summer and has .............. his goal of getting top marks in the exams.

A. gained

B. scored

C. won

D. achieved

10. Mona’s ............... to the family party was to bake some lovely cakes.

A. contribution

B. resources

C. employment

D. inspiration

11. By this time next month my parents will ............... their new company.

A. have started

B. has started

C. starting

D. having started

12. People nowadays no longer believe ancient ............... which used to explain how the world works.

A. columns

B. myths

C. monuments

D. ports

13. Some of the most difficult ............... situations make us stronger.

A. career

B. common sense

C. life-changing

D. employee

14. Whether we get angry about situations or not depends on our ............... on the issue.

A. identity

B. ancestors

C. understanding

D. perspective

15. We should look for the ............... in every experience we have.

A. fable

B. legend

C. narrative

D. moral

16. Choose the correct option to put the sentence into indirect speech: I'd like to share the research I have done to find the secrets to achieving my goals.

A. The writer said he likes sharing the research he has done to find the secrets to achieving his goals.

B. The writer said he would like to share the research he does to find the secrets to achieving his goals.

C. The writer said he will like to share the research he has done to find the secrets to achieving his goals.

D. The writer said he would like to share the research he had done to find the secrets to achieving his goals.

17. Fateen’s trip ............... really enjoyable because he wrote a long blog about it.

A. couldn't have been

B. would have been

C. must have been

D. can’t have been

18. Which of the following is structurally correct?

A. My friend told me that he had obtained a new job in the New Administrative Capital.

B. My friend said to me that he had obtained a new job in the New Administrative Capital.

C. My friend told me that he has obtained a new job in the New Administrative Capital.

D. My friend ordered me that he had obtained a new job in the New Administrative Capital.

19. Choose the correct option to put the sentence into indirect speech: Mark McCormack said, 'Divide your objectives into smaller steps.’

A. Mark told to me to divide my objectives into smaller steps.

B. Mark told me to dividing my objectives into smaller steps

C. Mark told me to divide my objectives into smaller steps.

D. Mark told to divide my objectives into smaller steps.

20. The village streets are muddy because it ............... all night.

A. had rained

B. had been raining

C. has been raining

D. will be raining

21. The novelist ............... an award for his last collection of short stories a week ago.

A. had offered

B. offered

C. has been offered

D. was offered

22. My brother and I usually depend on ............... to face everyday problems.

A. myself

B. themselves

C. ourselves

D. himself

23. My assistant ............... my instruction: he did the opposite!

A. can’t have been understood

B. can’t have understood

C. must have understood

D. mustn’t have understood

24. Most of the plays ............... by Shakespeare were translated into different languages.

A. which written

B. were written

C. written

D. writing

25. Which of the following is structurally correct?

A. The poem is too interesting that I read it many times.

B. It is such an interesting poem, that I read it many times.

C. The poem is so interesting which I read it many times.

D. The poem is enough interesting to read many times.

26. There is ............... bread left; it isn’t even enough for just one person of the big family.

A. a little

B. much

C. a lot

D. little

27. The following is part of a/an ............... essay.

A. persuasive

B. opinion

C. narrative

D. descriptive

It was my first day on the new job. I was sitting in a badly-furnished office with three other young men. They started asking me different questions to get as much information as they could. The moment one of them asked me if I had known the General Manager, I felt terribly annoyed and said, ”Please, stop inquiring about my life: let’s concentrate on what we are doing”.

28. Which of the following is part of an argumentative essay on “the importance of libraries”?

A. Moreover, there are other habits that children could practise as well as playing video games.

B. On the other hand, being bilingual is a good way to learn more and more about other cultures.

C. In my opinion, it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books and resources are associated with less learning and more problems than print resources.

D. Therefore, it is highly recommended to show our young people how to mix with other cultures, bearing in mind that they must keep their local customs and moral values.

Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

29. The text is from ............... .

A. a curriculum vitae.

B. a job advertisement.

C. a professional profile.

D. a museum website.

30. Azza is applying ............... .

A. for a full-time job.

B. for a part-time job.

C. to be an intern.

D. to take children round museums.

31. the underlined idiom "take pride in" is similar in meaning to ............... .

A. be responsible for

B. value something highly

C. be ashamed of

D. take turns to

32. In her part-time job, Azza took ............... .

A. a few children round the museum’s highlights alone.

B. a few children round the museum’s highlights with her group leader.

C. large groups of children round the museum’s highlights alone.

D. children to see landmarks, monuments and tourist attractions.

33. In her voluntary work, Azza helps children ............... .

A. to be treated for illnesses.

B. to overcome problems.

C. who must have been very ill.

D. who want to be entertained.

34. Who might not be able to tell the company that Azza is an impressive candidate for the job?

A. people at the place where she worked part-time

B. the children at the hospital

C. people that she knows who are the same age as her

D. people who work at the city’s tourist attractions

35. The article is about …........... .

A. the most influential books the writer has ever read.

B. the importance of being a reflective learner.

C. how the writer progressed towards her goals.

D. how to decide on the best research methods.

36. The author says …......... .

A. she asked the people she knew for advice.

B. she asked the authors of the books for help.

C. she did not need to ask anyone for help.

D. she will read more self-help books.

37. The author says that …........ .

A. Sheila Chandra taught him about toothbrushes.

B. cleaning your room makes you feel more positive.

C. the toothbrush principle helped him become organised.

D. it is important to put your toothbrush in the same place.

38. The message in the second book was that …....... .

A. big goals are always easy to achieve.

B. many smaller objectives are lots of fun.

C. mountain climbing can be very scary.

D. you should divide bigger goals into smaller ones.

39. The message from the second book helped the author to …...... .

A. reduce the fear of failing and find a new hobby.

B. stay organised and reach their goals more quickly.

C. reduce the fear of failing and improve concentration.

D. improve the writer's time management problems.

40. The process the writer uses to help him become more successful can be summarised as:

A. Identify the problems, research the solutions and implement them.

B. Identify the problems, talk to friends and family and ask for solutions.

C. Identify the problems, go to the library and find useful books to help.

D. Identify the friends and family that can help you and ask lots of questions.

Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

41. أبحث حاليًا عن تدريب في موقع ويب حيث يمكنني معرفة المزيد حول كتابة المقالات للأخبار المحلية. سيتم وضع ملف التعريف المهني الخاص بي على الإنترنت قريبًا.

A. I am currently looking for an internship at a website where I can learn more about writing articles for local news. My professional profile will be put online shortly.

B. I’m currently looking for an internship at a website where I can write articles for local news. My professional profile has been online recently.

C. I have been looking for a new job at a website where I can write articles for local news. My professional profile will be put online shortly.

D. I want to look for an internship in an office where I can learn more about writing articles for international news. My professional profile will be put online shortly.

42. Recently, Hassan has been spending all of his time studying for his exams. However, he has not stopped helping at the local charity, which helps elderly people.

A. فى الآونة الأخيرة ، كان حسن يقضي كل وقته في الدراسة من أجل امتحانه ، ومع ذلك ، لم يتوقف عن المساعدة في الجمعية الخيرية المحلية ، التي تساعد الأشخاص الكبار.
B. في الآونة الأخيرة ، قضي حسن كل وقته في الدراسة من أجل امتحانه ، ولذلك ، توقف عن الدراسة لكي يساعد في الجمعية الخيرية المحلية ، التي تساعد الأشخاص الكبار.
C. قضي حسن كل وقته في الدراسة من أجل امتحانه في العام الماضي ، ومع ذلك ، لم يتوقف عن المساعدة في الجمعية الخيرية المحلية التي تساعد الأيتام.
D. في الآونة الأخيرة ، كان حسن يقضي كل وقته في أداء امتحانه ، ومع ذلك ، لم يتوقف عن المساعدة في الجمعية الخيرية المحلية التي تساعد الشباب.

43. تعكس الأماكن ذات الطابع الثقافي عمق حضارة البلد عبر السنين، وتُعد الاسكندرية مثالا واضحاً لهذا الطابع بما حظي به من أماكن تاريخية مثل المسرح الروماني ومتحف الإسكندرية القومي.

A. The country's wealth has affected places of cultural interest recently. Alexandria is a clear example of great heritage, with its historic places such as the Roman Theatre and Alexandria National Museum.

B. Alexandria has affected the depth of the country's civilisation over the years. This city is an example of cultural interest, with its historical places such as the Bibliotheca Alexandria and Alexandria National Museum.

C. Places of economic interest have reflected the importance of the country's civilisation over centuries. Alexandria is a clear example of economic interest, with its historical places such as the Roman Theatre and Alexandria National Museum.

D. Places of cultural interest reflect the depth of the country's civilisation over the years. Alexandria is a clear example of cultural interest, with its historical places such as the Roman Theatre and Alexandria National Museum.

44. Success in life is measured in terms of the achievements one could carry out throughout their lives. Therefore, many ambitious people aspire to achieve higher levels of success.

A. يُقاس الطموح في الحياة من حيث النجاح الذي تمكن المرء أن يحققه طوال حياته. ولذلك ، يتطلع العديد من الأشخاص الطموحين إلى تحقيق المزيد من الأهداف الشخصية في احياة.
B. يُقاس النجاح في الحياة من حيث الإنجازات التي تمكن المرء أن يحققها طوال حياته. ولذلك ، يتطلع العديد من الأشخاص الطموحين إلى تحقيق مستويات أعلي من النجاح .
C. يُقاس التقدم في الحياة من حيث الطموحات التي تمكن المرء أن يحققها طوال حياته. ومع ذلك ، يتطلع القليل من الشباب إلى تحقيق مستويات أعلي من النجاح.
D. يُقاس النجاح في الحياة من حيث الإنجازات التي يحاول المرء أن يحققها طوال حياته. ولذلك يتطلع بعض الأشخاص الطموحين إلى تحقيق المزيد من النجاح طالما أنهم يحلمون بذلك.