Practice Exercises 6

Choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

1. Ali has a/an ........... at a bank, and he is learning a lot about the job.

A. internship

B. intern

C. membership

D. scholarship

2. My mother works .......... at a hotel; she has to be at home for four days a week because I have two younger brothers.

A. continually

B. full-time

C. fully

D. part-time

3. I always get very nervous when I go for a job ........... , and I forget what to say.

A. internship

B. review

C. interview

D. citizenship

4. We should look for the ........... in every experience we have.

A. fable

B. legend

C. myth

D. moral

5. You should ........... people with kindness and respect.

A. treat

B. give

C. achieve

D. overcome

6. I have the same ........... as my friends. We all think that we should look after the environment.

A. inspiration

B. direction

C. protection

D. inspection

7. The Cairo Tower is a famous city ........... .

A. landfill

B. landmark

C. myth

D. temple

8. Our teacher is ........... and can speak four or five languages.

A. multilingual

B. bilingual

C. multicultural

D. mother tongue

9. Around 250 languages are spoken in London, but English is the ........... language.

A. minor

B. dominant

C. second

D. temporary

10. The columns in the temple which show ........... figures and hieroglyphics are important historic objects.

A. elaborate

B. incorrect

C. illiterate

D. desperate

11. Only ........... students are present; it has been raining heavily all night.

A. many

B. a few

C. none

D. little

12. More schools ........... to decrease the number of students in classes.

A. should build

B. was built

C. are going to build

D. are going to be built

13. Scientists ........... the side effects of COVID-19 for years; they are still doing this task.

A. had been researching

B. have researching

C. have been researching

D. were researching

14. Children ........... due care to prepare them to face the challenges of life.

A. was given

B. should give

C. are to give

D. are given

15. Choose the correct option to put the question into indirect speech: Are you prepared for the 21st Century?

A. The writer asked if we had been prepared for the 21st Century.

B. The writer asked if we were prepared for the 21st Century.

C. The writer asked if we will be prepared for the 21st Century.

D. The writer asked if we are preparing for the 21st Century.

16. My uncle has lived in his village ........... his childhood.

A. for

B. since

C. ago

D. when

17. Eman got the gold medal; she ........... hard lately.

A. can't have trained

B. must have trained

C. shouldn't have trained

D. didn't have to train

18. The sales manager asked if I ........... the reply to my complaint the week before.

A. had received

B. have received

C. was receiving

19. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

A. I can’t tell you now. However, everything will be explained tomorrow evening.

B. I can’t tell you now. however, everything will be explained tomorrow evening

C. I can t tell you now, However, everything will be explained tomorrow evening.

D. I can t tell you now. However everything will be explained tomorrow evening.

20. Mr Gaber, ........... is a sales manager, lives next door to us.

A. that

B. which

C. who

D. whose

21. Do you know that the first mobile phone call ........... 40 Years ago?

A. is made

B. had been made

C. was made

D. was making

22. Which of the following can be used to show reason?

A. As a result

B. Regardless of

C. Due to

D. Moreover

23. In an essay about “The importance of keeping cultural heritage”, which of the following sentences can be a topic sentence?

A. On the other hand, schools should spread national awareness to keep our cultural heritage.

B. However, a lot of people are still unaware of the importance of keeping our cultural heritage.

C. It is taken for granted that cultural heritage is the backbone of the civilisation of every nation all over the world.

D. Therefore, it is highly recommended to show our children how to keep the country’s cultural

heritage by all means.

Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

24. The main idea of the text is that …...

A. you must have many years of experience in one job to become successful.

B. it is important to update your CV.

C. we should continue to study after we leave school.

D. working in lots of different jobs gives you different experiences which can help you become more successful.

25. The writer suggests that …....

A. it is unusual to change your career.

B. having different experiences develops different skills.

C. you shouldn’t change career.

D. being successful makes you calm and happy.

26. The writer suggests that Vera Wang’s early career …...

A. is very similar to what she does now.

B. made her a good editor.

C. is very different to what she does now.

D. didn’t make her a good editor.

27. Taikichiro Mori …...

A. started his business selling pets.

B. was a professor before he started a business.

C. met Jeff Bezos in 1993.

D. was a professor before he started selling pets.

28. From the text, what does ‘life-long learning’ mean?

A. Going to school for your whole life.

B. Learning for a long time.

C. Acquiring different experiences through life.

D. Going back to school a few years after you leave school.

29. Which of the following is not a ‘competency’ according to the text?

A. the ability to do something well

B. knowledge that you learn in a job

C. skills that you learn in a job

D. having a lot of experience in one career.

30. The article is about ........... .

A. the different jobs that will be available in the future.

B. the importance of technology in the future.

C. the skills students are learning in school now.

D. the skills you will need to help you in the future.

31. The text says ........... .

A. a mix of personal skills and knowledge is very important.

B. Creativity is the most important skill.

C. Large tech companies already have enough workers.

D. Most students should study robotics in school.

32. Digital knowledge according to the text will be necessary ........... .

A. because technology will do a lot of the work.

B. because the internet will be unavailable most of the time.

C. because we will be collaborating in teams more.

D. because we are not good at working together.

33. The overall message of the text is that ........... .

A. we know what jobs will exist in the future.

B. because the internet will be unavailable most of the time.

C. we will be using lots of technology in the future.

D. we will not be working alone in the future.

34. The subject of robotics in schools will ........... .

A. help students have fun.

B. help students learn to negotiate.

C. help students learn to collaborate.

D. help students learn about programming.

35. The report by the World Economic Forum ........... .

A. has influenced what is being taught in schools.

B. includes a list of jobs that will exist in the future.

C. has helped many people get a good job.

D. was published over twenty years ago.

Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

36. تعمل ماجدة كمتدربة في مصنع للسيارات منذ ثلاثة أشهر، فهي تريد الحصول على وظيفة بدوام كامل هناك عندما يكون لديها خبرة أكبر.

A. Magda has been working as an intern at a car factory for three months. She wants to be given a full-time job there when she has more experience.

B. Magda started working as an intern at a spare parts factory three months ago. She was then given a full-time job there because she had the experience.

C. Magda started working as an intern at a car factory three months ago. She wants to be given a fulltime job as a sales manager when she has the proper experience.

D. Magda has been working as a worker at a car factory for three months. She wants to be given a
part-time job there when she has given birth to her baby.

37. يعتقد العديد من الخبراء أن الزيادة السكانية والبطالة من أهم معوقات التنمية والاستقرار وخاصة في الدول النامية، لذا لابد من اتخاذ التدابير اللازمة لمواجهة هذه التحديات.

A. Many experts believe that population growth and the increase in prices are among the most important obstacles that lead to instability, especially in developing countries, so the necessary measures must be taken to confront these challenges.

B. Many economists believe that overpopulation and unemployment are among the most important obstacles to development and stability all over the world so the necessary measures must be taken to confront these challenges.

C. Many experts believe that overpopulation and unemployment are among the most important obstacles to development and stability, especially in developing countries, so the necessary measures must be taken to confront these challenges.

D. Many experts believe that terrorism and unemployment are among the most important obstacles to development and stability, especially in developed countries, so the necessary measures must be taken to confront these challenges. be taken to confront these challenges.

38. In the legend of King Arthur, a wise man called Merlin had put a sword in a stone. The sword could only be pulled out by the man who would be king of England, and Arthur did this successfully.

A. في أسطورة الملك آرثر ، وضع آرثر سيفا في حجر، لا يمكن سحب السيف إلا من قبل الرجل الذي سيكون الأكثر حكمة في إنجلترا ، وقد فعل رجل يُدعى ميرلين ذلك بنجاح.
B. في حكاية الملك آرثر، وضع رجل عظيم يُدعى ميرلين سيفا في بئر. لا يمكن سحب السيف إلا من قبل الرجل الذي سيكون ملك إنجلترا ، وقد فعل آرثر ذلك بنجاح.
C. في مسرحية الملك آرثر، وضع رجل حكيم يُدعى ميرلين خنجرا في حجر. لا يمكن سحب ذلك الخنجر إلا من قبل الرجل الذي سيكون ملك إنجلترا ، وقد فعل آرثر ذلك بنجاح.
D. في أسطورة الملك آرثر، وضع رجل حكيم يُدعى ميرلين سيفا في حجر، لا يمكن سحب السيف إلا من قبل الرجل الذي سيكون ملك إنجلترا ، وقد فعل آرثر ذلك بنجاح.

39. The Egyptians have witnessed a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers last year. The mummies of eighteen kings and four queens have been transported from the Egyptian Museum to their new place.

A. لقد شهد المصريون عرضًا عظيمًا لحكام بلادهم القدماء في العام الماضي. تم نقل مومياوات أربعة ملوك وثمانية عشر ملكات من المتحف المصري إلى مكانهم الجديد.
B. لقد شهد المصريون موكبًا تاريخيًا لحكام بلادهم القدماء في العام الماضى. تم نقل مومياوات ثمانية عشر ملكًا وأربع ملكات من المتحف المصري إلى مكانهم الجديد.
C. لقد انبهر المصريون عندما شاهدوا موكبًا تاريخيًا لملوك مصر القديمة في العام الماضى. تم نقل مومياوات ثمانية عشر ملكًا من المتحف المصري الكلاسيكي إلى مكانهم الجديد.
D. لقد شارك المصريون في الموكب التاريخي لحكام بلادهم القدماء عبر التاريخ. تم نقل مومياوات ثمانية عشر ملكًا وأربع ملكات من المتحف المصري إلى مكانهم الجديد.