Practice Exercises 5

Choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

1. The Great Pyramids are one of the most famous tourist ........... in the world.

A. remains

B. attractions

C. monuments

D. heritage

2. Alexandria has always been Egypt’s most important .......... on the Mediterranean Sea.

A. highlight

B. port

C. site

D. monument

3. We all felt very sad at the end of the play. The story was very .......... .

A. moving

B. moved

C. picturesque

D. worth seeing

4. Traditional music is part of Egypt’s .......... and we can all be proud of it.

A. myths

B. remains

C. legends

D. heritage

5. London is very .........., with about 250 languages spoken by people who live there.

A. bilingual

B. picturesque

C. multicultural

D. dominant

6. Nadia now lives in Aswan, but she was .......... in Cairo.

A. raised

B. risen

C. embraced

D. cheered

7. My grandmother takes a lot of .......... in her garden, which always looks beautiful.

A. place

B. proud

C. pride

D. roots

8. Adam’s family live in Cairo now, but their .......... were farmers in the countryside.

A. families

B. ancestors

C. roots

D. identity

9. Everyone in the stadium .......... when Egypt scored a goal.

A. cheered

B. stretched

C. won

D. boasted

10. I was .......... with the mess, so I decided to clean my room.

A. humble

B. jealous

C. fed up

D. pride

11. He is still doing the exercise. He .......... it for two hours now.

A. has done

B. has been doing

C. had been doing

D. was doing

12. Food .......... by mum, what delicious meals she makes!

A. is never made

B. is always made

C. was never made

D. is always making

13. Don’t worry; the problem .......... sooner or later.

A. was solved

B. will solve

C. is going to solve

D. will be solved

14. The teacher instructed us .......... the passage and give short answers to the questions.

A. read

B. that read

C. to read

D. to reading

15. I don’t know the proper time .......... I can meet the manager; he is always busy.

A. which

B. that

C. when

D. where

16. When we arrived, the manager .......... an urgent task. We had to wait for a few minutes to meet him.

A. had done

B. is doing

C. was doing

D. have done

17. All the students answered that question well; it .......... so easy.

A. had to be

B. mightn’t be

C. mustn’t have been

D. must have been

18. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

A. did you remember to buy all your mother’s things? when you reached the supermarket.

B. Did you remember to buy all your mother s things When you reached the supermarket?

C. did you remember to buy all your mother s things when you reached the supermarket.

D. Did you remember to buy all your mother’s things when you reached the supermarket?

19. Which of the following can’t express contrast?

A. although

B. despite the fact that

C. but

D. in addition to

20. Which of the following could start an essay about “the importance of tourism”?

A. Above all, people should know to reflect a bright picture about their behaviour towards tourists.

B. It's a matter of fact that tourism is one of the most important sources of income for any country.

C. In conclusion, it is highly recommended to spread national awareness about the importance of tourism.

D. However, tourism must flourish for the sake of our national economy.

21. Choose the correct option to change the following into reported speech: Huda said, “Why are you so late, Ahmad?"

A. Huda inquired why Ahmad is so late.

B. Huda inquired why Ahmad was so late.

C. Huda asked why was Ahmad so late.

D. Huda inquired why I had been so late.

22. The book is .......... interesting that I want to read it again.

A. such

B. so

C. enough

D. too

23. Which of the following is part of an essay on “the importance of keeping our national economy during Coronavirus pandemic”?

A. On the one hand, we have to stop flights to other countries where Coronavirus pandemic is still spreading. On the other hand,another vaccination campaign must be carried out.

B. Protective measures must be followed to face Coronavirus pandemic. Moreover, necessary medicines must be available for free.

C. Therefore, more awareness campaigns should be launched on social media to educate people about the importance of taking precautionary measures firmly while staying at home.

D. In my opinion, we should go on working at a normal scale to keep the cycle of production and protect our local economy as long as we follow precautionary measures strictly everywhere.

24. Mrs Hughes .......... a very important author. Everyone wants her to sign her book.

A. will be

B. could be

C. must be

D. must have been

25. Unfortunately, the car .......... checked well before we left our village; it broke down again.

A. had

B. hadn't

C. had been

D. hadn't been

26. Grandpa .......... do the gardening every morning, but now he is too tired.

A. use to

B. should

C. used to

D. will

27. Faten came .......... an amazing article about ancient myths on the internet as she was doing her homework.

A. up

B. over

C. in

D. across

28. As the ship was under a lot of sand, they had to dig it .......... carefully.

A. up

B. over

C. in

D. across

Read the following passages then choose the correct option from A, B, C or D.

29. Carthage is …....

A. a city in Tunisia.

B. a Roman city.

C. an archaeological site.

D. a picturesque port.

30. Most tourists visit Carthage to see …....

A. the capital of Tunisia.

B. picturesque Phoenician buildings.

C. an important castle.

D. Roman remains.

31. The amphitheatre at Carthage …....

A. is very impressive today.

B. must have been very impressive in the past.

C. is big enough for 36,000 tourists.

D. cannot be seen today.

32. The Phoenicians were …...

A. good friends with the Romans.

B. the people who first built Carthage.

C. the people who built most of the buildings you can see today.

D. people who built silver mines.

33. The Romans won a war against the Phoenicians …..

A. to get their beds and furniture.

B. because they were too powerful for them.

C. because they wanted their silver.

D. because they wanted to trade with them.

34. From the text, find a word that means ‘completely defeated’.

A. crushed

B. ruined

C. looked back

D. destroyed

35. The article is written by …...

A. a TV reporter.

B. a university student.

C. a magazine reporter.

D. an archaeologist.

36. The main idea of the text is that …...

A. the Nile is very important for Egypt's cultural heritage.

B. some of Egypt's cultural heritage is under water.

C. we can learn about our history in surprising places.

D. Egypt and Greece used to have very strong connections.

37. Which of the following isn’t correct according to the passage?

A. Most people know about the Pyramids of Giza or the impressive remains in The Valley of the Kings.

B. Egypt has a lot of picturesque places for tourists to enjoy visiting, including Cairo and Hurghada.

C. A French geologist explained how the 2,200-year ship had sunk after being hit by huge blocks.

D. There are still so many undiscovered treasures in Egypt.

38. Franck Goddio discovered …...

A. an important pyramid in The Valley of the Kings.

B. a port which hadn't been used for many years.

C. the Temple of Amun.

D. a big ship under the water.

39. The remains were found in good condition because …...

A. it was very long.

B. of the use of the latest technology.

C. some blocks saved it from destruction.

D. the Nile delta is not very deep.

40. The finding has helped us learn about …..

A. how ships used to be made.

B. the old port and the connections with Greece.

C. how people would travel on the Nile.

D. how important technology is.

Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from A, B, C or D.

41. ترتفع حالات الإصابة بفيروس متحور دلتا حاليا في جميع أنحاء العالم، ويدق المتحور الجديد "أوميكرون" أجراس الإنذار في جميع أنحاء العالم. لذا لابد من إتخاذ كل التدابير الوقائية بحزم.

A. Cases of the Coronavirus are currently rising all over the world. The new mutant "Omicron" is raising alarm bells round Africa. Therefore, all precautionary measures must be taken firmly.

B. Cases of the delta mutated virus are currently rising all over the world. The new mutant "Omicron" is raising alarm bells round the world. Therefore, all precautionary measures must be taken firmly.

C. Cases of the delta mutated virus are no longer rising all over the world. However, the new mutant "Omicron" is raising alarm bells round the world. Therefore, all precautionary measures must be taken firmly.

D. Cases of the delta mutated virus are currently rising all over the world. The new mutant "Omicron" is raising alarm bells round the world. However, precautionary measures are still ignored.

42. Some employers prefer experience to the enthusiasm of youth, while many business owners tend to prefer a mix of both to carry out more achievements in any enterprise.

A. يفضل بعض أصحاب العمل حماس الشباب على الخبرة، بينما يريد العديد من أصحاب الأعمال كثيراً من الخبرة لتحقيق المزيد من الإنجازات في أي مؤسسة.
B. يفضل بعض أصحاب العمل الخبرة على توظيف الشباب، بينما يريد القليل من أصحاب الأعمال مزيجًا من الاثنين لتحقيق المزيد من الأحلام في أي مصلحة حكومية.
C. يفضل بعض أصحاب العمل الخبرة على حماس الشباب، بينما يريد العديد من أصحاب الأعمال مزيجًا من الاثنين لتحقيق المزيد من الإنجازات في أي مؤسسة.
D. يفضل الكثير من أصحاب العمل الخبرة عى حماس الشباب، بينما يريد القليل من أصحاب الأعمال توظيف الشباب المتحمس لتحقيق المزيد من الإنجازات في أي مؤسسة.

43. يمكن للشباب أن يتعاملوا مع أناس من ثقافات أخرى طالما أهم قادرون علي الاستفادة من ما يناسبهم من تلك الثقافات والمحافظة علي قيمهم وعاداتهم الأصيلة.

A. Young people can’t deal with people from other cultures as long as they aren’t able to benefit from what suits them from those cultures and preserve their original values a nd customs.

B. Young people can deal with people from other cultures as long as they are able to benefit from what suits them from those cultures and preserve their original values and customs.

C. Young people can’t travel with people from other cultures as long as they aren’t able to benefit from what suits them from those cultures and preserve their local values and customs.

D. Young people can travel with people from other cultures as long as they are able to benefit from
what suits them from those cultures, regardless of keeping their original values and customs.

44. I am bilingual, not only because my parents speak different languages, but also because I have lived
in two countries. I grew up in Brazil, where they speak Portuguese, but I went to university in Egypt.

A. أنا متعدد اللغات ، ليس فقط لأن والديّ يتحدثان لغات مختلفة ، ولكن أيضًا لأنني عشت في ثلاث دول، نشأت في البرازيل، حيث يتحدثون البرتغالية ، وذهبت إلى الجامعة في الخارج.
B. أنا ثنائي اللغة ، ليس فقط لأن أصدقائي يتحدثون لغات مختلفة ، ولكن أيضًا لأنني عشت في بلدين. نشأت في البرازيل، حيث يتحدثون الفرنسية ، لكني ذهبت إلى الجامعة في مصر.
C. أنا ثنائي اللغة ، ليس فقط لأن والديّ يتحدثان لغات مختلفة ، ولكن أيضًا لأني عشت في بلدين. نشأت في مصر، حيث يتحدثون العربية ، لكني ذهبت إلى الجامعة في البرازيل.
D. أنا ثنائي اللغة ، ليس فقط لأن والديّ يتحدثان لغات مختلفة ، ولكن أيضًا لأني عشت في بلدين. نشأت في البرازيل، حيث يتحدثون البرتغالية ، لكني ذهبت إلى الجامعة في مصر.

45. كان ميناء المدينة القديمة خلابًا للغاية، ومع ذلك لابد أنها كانت أجمل في الطقس الجيد لأنها كانت تمطر عندما زرنا المكان.

A. The port in the old city was worth seeing. However, it must have been even prettier in good weather, because it was raining when we visited.
B. The port in the old city was very old. However, it was even prettier in the past, and it was raining when I visited.
C. The harbour in the city was very picturesque. However, it must have been even prettier in the past, because it was busy when I visited.
D. The port in the old city was very picturesque. However, it must have been even prettier in good weather, because it was raining when I visited.