Lesson 1


Listen to four teenagers doing the jobs on page 44. What dothey do to help in the house? Listen and match the names with the jobs.


Hala 1, 6

Munir 2, 3

Adam 5

Nader 4

2. Listen again and circle the correct answer.

1. Hala is a messy/tidy person and there are often things on her bed.
2. Munir washes up after breakfast / dinner on Mondaysand Wednesdays.
3. Adam takes out the rubbish every day / when the bins are full.
4. Adam takes the lift / stairs to go down to the street.
5. Nader helps his brother do his homework / get his schoolbag ready.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Hala has to put away her ...... once a week.

a. clothes

b. toys

c. books

2. Adam doesn't have to take out the ...... every day.

a. snacks

b. bins

c. washing

3. Nader and his brother have to get ready for ....

a. games

b. homework

c. school


4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.

1. It's a holiday today. We don't have to go to school.

2. My father has to get up at six o'clock every day to go to work.

3. When you get on the bus, you have to buy a ticket.

4. At the weekends, I don't have to get up early: I can stay in bed until 9 o'clock.


5. Make questions with have to. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Have to / walk / school

Do you have to walk to school?

What sort of jobs / you / have to / do at home?

What sort of jobs do you have to do at home?

Your best friend / have to / walk to school

Does your best friend have to walk to school?