Lesson 3


1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Can you guess how these people helped Amal?

Mr Othman helped her pass her maths exam. Aunt Dalia bought her the trainers she wore when she played in the school volleyball team for the first time. Rana found her watch.


2. Listen to Amal, check your answers to Exercise1 and complete the sentences.

1. Mr Othman is Amal's neighbour. He helped her to pass her maths exam.

2. Amal's Aunt Dalia bought Amal some trainers.

3. Amal's littel cousin Rana found her watch.


3. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Listen again and check your answers.

1. The books whitch he used to help me were his old school books.

2. My aunt Dalia is a person who is always very kind to me.

3. She bought me the trainers that I wore when I played in the school volleyball team.

4. It was the watch that my father gave me for my birthday.

5. The place where I lost my watch was the garden.

4. Complete the sentences with who, which/ that or where.

1. I saw Ahmed in the park where we often play football.

2. Mr Sabri's the teacher who taught my sister.

3. The cafe where I meet my friends sells delicious ice-cream.

4. You left the bag which/that you bought at the weekend at my house!

5. The boy who was my best friend at school moved to a different city.

6. I gave the shoes which/that are too small for me to my cousin.

6. Read these extracts from the blogs of three teenagers and complete the sentences.

1. Samir helps to clean beaches and picks up rubbish.

2. Fatma visits an old lady who is disabled and she loves talking to her.

3. people donate money to the charity and Ahmed helps to feed the animals.

Life Skills

People who are volunteers for a charity help their commuities. What are some other ways we can help in the community?

Don't drop rubbish and pick up rubbish you see to throw away; recycle old things; help other people in the community who need it by e.g. doing their shooping, fetching medicine from the chemist for them, helping in the garden, babysitting, playing with children; give directions to people who are lost, etc.