Lesson 2


2. Listen to two people talking about the photos. Do they have the same ideas as you?

a. A girl is alone at school. She doesn’t have any friends yet because she is new.

b. A man forgot his bag at a station.

c. The mother is very tired. She has been very busy with the children all day and needs a rest.

d. The woman has a lot of things to carry and she needs help carrying them.

3. Match to make sentences. Listen again to check your answers.

1. The other students shouldn't forget, c. how it feels when you start school.

2. They should try, d. to make friends with her.

3. They should look inside the bag, f. to find his name and address.

4. Someone should run, e. after him and give the bag back.

5. Someone in her family, a. should make her a cup of tea.

6. She shouldn't, b. carry all those things.


4. Work in pairs. What shouldor shouldn’t you do or say in these situations?

1. You find a bag with money in it on the floor of a shop.

We should ask the shopkeeper to look after it.

2. You remember that it is your friend's birthday today.

We should buy him/her a present!

3. You don't understand the lesson.

We should ask the teacher to explain it again.

4. There is an important test tomorrow, but your brother wants to play video games.

We shouldn’t play games, we should study.

5. You feel ill in the class.

I should tell the teacher.


5. Read the article.What happens on Random Acts of Kindness Day?

People do kind things for the day.

6. Look at the words in bold in the article. Match the words and the definitions.

1. when you do things to help others and show that you care about them. kindness

2. people you don't know. strangers

3. very good. fantastic

4. happening without a plan. random

5. the shape of your mouth that shows you are happy. smile

7. Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. The idea for random acts of kindness comes from America. T
2. A group of friends had the idea together. F (Anne Herbert had the idea).
3. You have to have a good reason to do a random act of kindness. F (You do it for no reason).
4. We can only do random acts of kindness for strangers. F (We can do them for everybody).
5. On Random Acts of Kindness Day, people have to do kind things. (People do them because they want to see a smile on a person’s face).