Lesson 2


1. Match the words and the definitions.

1. lake, d. a large area of water with land around it.

2. monument, e. something that people build to remember an important person or event.

3. peaceful, a. calm and quiet.

4. traffic, b. cars, lorries and motorbikes that use a road.

5. especially, c. more than usual.

2. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1.

1. Can you see all those boats on the lake?

2. The park is very peaceful in the mornings. You can only hear the birds singing.

3. My uncle is very good at sports, and he is especially good at handball.

4. There was a lot of traffic on the roads this morning, so Mr Ahmed was late for work.

5. The Sphinx at Giza is perhaps Egypt's most famous monument.

3. We oftenmake adjectives by adding -ful to a noun. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these nouns.

1. You can't hear any traffic here. It is very peaceful.

2. Amal's daughter does many jobs around the house. She is always very helpful.

3. This machine does many things. It is very useful.

4. Please be careful when you carry those eggs!


I live in / on a small village in the south of Egypt. At / In the weekend, I usually do the same things.

At / On Saturdays, I get up at / in 7 am, then I always do my omework after breakfast.

At / On lunchtime, I visit my cousins. We like to eat together. Then, in / on the afternoon, I often play games with my cousins. What do you do?