Lesson 3



1. You can catch a train from here. platform

3. You can use this to follow directions. map

5. You can go here to see paintings, photographs, objects, etc. exhibition


2. You can use this to find when a train or bus leaves. timetable

4. You can use this to travel in a city, sometimes it travels underground. metro


2. Listen and choose the correct words.

Good morning. This is / was the 11.30 train to Luxor. It leave / leaves in five minutes. The train stops / stopped at Giza, Assiut and Qena.

It doesn't / won't stop at Al Balyana today because there are engineering works. The train arrives / will arrive in Luxor at 23.15.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Man: Good morning. Where does the train to Aswan leave (leave) from?

Guard: It leaves (leave) from platform four.

Man: Thanks. What time is (be) the next train?

Guard: The next train leaves (leave) in five minutes.

Man: Great. What time does it arrive (arrive) in Aswan?

Guard: The train usually takes (take) six hours, so the next train arrives (arrive) in Aswan at about 4.30.