Lesson 1


1. Choose the correct definitions for each word, then check in a dictionary.

1 surround, e. be all round (someone or something)
2 speaker, d. device through which sound is heard
3 experiment (v), c. use scientific methods to find something out or discover something
4 immerse, b. involve yourself deeply in
5 implement, a. start using a system
6 mass-produced, j. series of steps leading to producing something
7 process, i. extremely good, exciting or surprising
8 approach, f. way of viewing or doing something
9 spectacularly, h. causing difficulty or problems
10 inconvenient, g. way of viewing or doing something


2. Read the article quickly and match it with the best title.

a Innovation in cinema
b The future of sound
c New research methods

3. Read the text again and answer true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM). Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Walt Disney used a new system for producing sound in his film Fantasia. T
2. The film was very successful because of the amazing sound quality. NM
3. Shortly after this film, lots of film directors started to use this system. F, It was too expensive to implement on a wide scale.
4. Surround sound had been used in the home long before the cinema. F, Surround sound has only been used in the home since 1982.
5. Scientists have found a more practical way to produce surround sound. T
6. The problem with the book experiment was that you couldn’t find the speakers. F, The problem was that you had to print each page (and speaker) separately- not in a roll.
7. It will be cheaper than old systems of ‘surround sound’. T
8. It is already being used in supermarkets to advertise products. F, Professor Hubler thinks this might happen in the future.