Lesson 2


1. Match the words with the pictures.
Check the meanings of the words in a dictionary, if necessary.


1. astronaut E

2. astronomer D

3. planet A

4. solar system B

5. spacecraft G

6. surface F

7. universe C


3. Read the blog from the website again. Complete the gaps in the text with the following phrases.

A we won’t be able to study the conditions there. 1
B we’ve found a way for astronauts to survive these extreme temperatures. 3
C until we have found some evidence. 2
D it will be easier to expand into the universe beyond. 4


4. Study the bold words on the website and in the phrases in Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. What tense is used for the verb which follows these phrases? present perfect

2. What tense is used in the other clause? future

5. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. When I’ll do/I’ve done the experiments, I’ll collect all the results.
2. Once you ‘ve finished/‘ll finish your homework, will you tidy your room please?
3. Normal people won’t travel in space until it has become/will become less expensive.
4. People won’t have bought/won’t buy electric cars until they have discovered a way for them to go longer distances without being charged.
5. When I’ve fixed my computer, I’ll help/will have helped you with your research.