Lesson 6


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box.


1. It was a grey and gloomy day.
2. There was a pile of dusty old books on the shelf.
3. My mother told me to behave myself when I ran in playing a game and knocked over a chair.
4. I felt a spider’s web brush against my face as I walked through the doorway.
5. He worked for a year as a builder’s apprentice.
6. The children had an argument about what game to play.
7. I’m going to apply for an apprenticeship when I finish school.

2. Find the following phrases in the text and try to work out the meaning. Choose the phrase (a, b or c) which is most similar.

1. That’s your lot! This is all you will get from me, Mr Gargery.
a It’s a lot of money.
b You won’t get any more.
c That’s more money than you’ve had before.
2. I could not put my finger on what it was.
a I couldn’t work out what it was.
b I couldn’t describe it very well.
c I couldn’t tell anyone about it.


3. Reread the chapter and write true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements in your notebook.

1. Joe tried to give the pound note back to the strange man from the inn. T

2. Nothing had changed in Miss Havisham’s room since the last time he had visited. T

3. Miss Havisham took Pip to the dining room to eat some cake. F, Miss Havisham took Pip to the dining room to see her wedding cake.

4. Estella was friendly towards Pip when they played together this time. F, Estella refused to speak to Pip when they played together.

5. The pale young boy was stronger than Pip. F, The pale young boy didn’t seem to be strong and didn’t hit Pip hard.

6. Miss Havisham gave Joe some money so he could train Pip to become a blacksmith. T

7. After Pip visited Miss Havisham’s house for the last time, he forgot all about Estella. F, After Pip visited Miss Havisham’s house for the last time, he often thought about Estella.

8. Orlick was annoyed because he thought Pip was being treated differently to him. T

4. Answer the questions in your own words in your notebook.

1. Why had Miss Havisham’s relatives come to visit her? Because it was her birthday.

2. Why do you think Miss Havisham still kept the wedding cake? To remind her of her wedding day/because time stopped for her on her wedding day.

3. How did the fight between Pip and the pale young boy start and end? When the young pale gentleman discovered that Estella let Pip in he challenged him to a ight Pip gave him a black eye and won the ight.

4. Why did Pip feel sorry for the pale young boy? Because he was brave and didn’t give up.

5. Why does Pip stop visiting Miss Havisham’s house? Because Miss Havisham tells Pip not to come back because Joe is now his boss.