Lesson 3


1. You are going to hear a podcast about new advances in the field of medicine. First, look at the photos. In pairs, discuss what you can see. What do you think they are going to talk about in the podcast?


Photo 1 shows a surgeon using a robot to carry out an operation. You can see a patient lying under a blue cover. The surgeon is wearing a hat, a gown and gloves.
Photo 2 shows an app on a phone showing some data – it looks like a health app. It’s showing a graph and some other information.

2. Listen and choose the best options in these sentences.

1. Some operations are already being performed by computers/robots controlled by humans.

2. Operations can be done more accurately/ quickly when robots handle the surgical tools.

3. In the distant/near future companies think simple operations will be done by robots.

4. It will/won’t be possible to carry out operations from a different country.

5. AI will replace/create opportunities for doctors and nurses.

6. In the future, doctors and nurses will do tasks which involve computer/human skills.