Lesson 1


1. Complete the table with the phrasal verbs.

lesson 1

The noun comes after
the phrasal verb
Can either be separated
or not separated by
a noun

The noun comes in
between the verb
and preposition

look into
catch up
turn off
turn up
turn on
turn down
switch on
switch off
turn up
(example answer)
turn off


2. Complete the online help forum with the correct form of these verbs.

lesson 1(1)

IT Support Forum

Nevine: I've bought some new headphones and have plugged them in but now I can't (1) mute my microphone and everyone can hear me all the time.

Hana: I'm having problems with a video conference call. I can't hear anything when people are talking to me. I have just downloaded and (2) installed the latest version of the software but nothing is happening. I have tired (3) turning off the computer and turning it an agin. Any other ideas?

Mazin: I need to show someone what is on my computer when we're on a call, but I don't know how to (4) share my screen.

Ziad: There is a long delay when I'm playing games online and I can never (5) keep up with my friends. I always lose the races in the games. Do I need to (6) look into getting a better internet connection?

Malak: When I (7) join a meeting online I can't (8) switch on my camera. So people can hear me, but they can't see me!

3. Read the forum again. Answer the questions.

1. What is Nevine’s problem? She can’t mute her microphone.
2. How can she solve her problem? She could try a different headphone or ask a technician for help.
3. Who can’t hear other people on video calls? Hana
4. Who doesn’t know how to use one of the tools of a video call? Mazin
5. What makes the internet connection slow? The router being too old or too far might cause connection issues.
6. Who had a problem after buying something new? Nevine