Lesson 2


1. Complete the predictions about the future of work. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Artificial intelligence will start taking/to take (take) control of more work in the future.
2. Human beings will continue doing/do (do) jobs that need interpersonal skills.
3. People will need to learn (learn) different languages.

2. Listen to an interview about the future of work. Which prediction from Exercise 1 is not given?


3. Listen again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. Artificial Intelligence will cause a change in the types of jobs available. T
2. There are no positive consequences to using Artificial Intelligence. F
3. Only 5% of jobs can be replaced completely by machines. T
4. Jobs that need human contact will be most affected. F
5. By 2030, 900 million people will have to find different jobs. F
6. Speaking different languages will be important in the future. T


4. Complete the sentences with either the -ing form or to + infinitive. Then listen and check.

1. Artificial Intelligence, or “AI” as we call it, promises to destroy (destroy) jobs.
2. This study appeared to show (show) a decline in jobs.
3. Jobs that need to use (use) interpersonal skills are a lot safer.
4. Should we risk using (use) AI if it is going to cause so many problems?
5. I would consider studying (study) English to a very high level.
6. You have to continue learning (learn) new things.


5. Read this letter for a job application and complete it with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to apply for the position of student welfare officer.

I believe that I am suited to the role because I enjoy (1) helping (help) people feel more positive. At school, I have learnt (2) to deal (deal) with stressful situations. I like (3) using/to use (use) my weekends and evenings to help other students. I always appear (4) to be (be) calm which helps the person I am speaking to.

I am very excited by this role and I hope you decide (5) to offer (offer) me the position.

I hope (6) to hear (hear) from you soon.

Yours faithfully,