Lesson 3


1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the advice about ways of studying.

1. When studying, you should remember to take/taking a break every twenty-five minutes.
2. You have to stop to use/using email because it is old-fashioned.
3. You need to keep/keeping your mind and body healthy.
4. You should stop to check/checking social media while you’re studying.
5. You seem to be/being on video calls every evening!


2. Read the blog about study techniques. What is the main message?

1. When studying, we all tend to use similar techniques.
2. You need to ask your family for help when studying.
3. We should experiment with different techniques to learn better.

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. What was Hamid’s opinion of the book?

He found it useful.

2. What was the first thing he did after reading the book?

He made a summary of each unit of the school book.

3. Which three study techniques did he try?

(1) Making mind maps with the key points.

(2) Associating music to his revision notes.

(3) Recording the notes and listening to them while doing exercise.

4. What did Hamid do to avoid sitting at his desk for so long?

He got up every 20 minutes and walked around the room, or went and studied in the park.

5. Why did he play music while revising?

He used to play the same song in the background while studying history and used to listen to it again to help him think about the history notes while sleeping.

6. Why was he surprised by the results?

He didn’t expect to get such a high mark in history.