Lesson 4


1. Match to make sentences from an email.

1. Thanks so much a. for your advice and help.
2. All the d. best,
3. Am I right f. in thinking you are coming to visit?
4. Have I c. understood that correctly?
5. I’d just like b. to check I have understood everything.
6. Do you mind e. me emailing you in the future?


2. Read and order the email.

a. Thanks again for all your wonderful advice which has been really helpful. If I have any more questions, do you mind me emailing you again for help? 5

b. Thanks so much for your help with sharing documents while in a virtual meeting. I think I have understood everything, but I'd just like to check. 2

c. All the best, Heba 6

d. The other option is to attach the document in the chat box. Am I right in thinking that I have to click on the clip icon to do this? After that I need to choose the option which says 'everyone' and click on the arrow to send it to everyone in the video call. Have I understood that correctly? 4

e. Hi Eman, 1

f. I read your email carefully and from your explanation I understand that there are different ways to share documents. The first is to send each person an email with the document attached. That's a good idea but there are 25 people in my class, and I don't have all their email addresses. 3

3. Read the email again and answer the questions.

1. How does Heba express she is grateful at the start and end of the email?

She says, ‘Thanks so much’ and ‘Thanks again.’

2. What two questions does Heba ask to check she has understood?

‘Am I right in thinking...’ and ‘Have I understood that correctly?’

3. What does Heba ask in case she needs more help in the future?

‘If I have any more questions, do you mind me emailing you again for help?’

4. What phrase does Heba use to say she is not completely sure she has understood?

‘I think I have understood everything, but I’d just like to check.’