Lesson 1


1. Read the blog post. Which sentence best describes the writer’s opinion?

a. This advice is helpful for some people, but it can’t help young people very much.
b. This advice is unhelpful and can lead to people not doing things that are good for them.
c. This advice is helpful for people who know what their passion is at a young age.


3. Complete the sentences with the words in bold in the article.

1. Travel is wonderful, I think you can gain a lot of experience by visiting different places.
2. I know I want a job where I can make a positive contribution, like doctors or teachers do.
3. My grandfather has a lot of wisdom so gives me advice.
4. First you need to decide what career direction you want to go in then look for a job.
5. My mother trusts me to do things on my own because she knows I have a lot of common sense.
6. My aunt had to reinvent herself last year when she lost her job and now she does something completely different.