Great Expectations: Chapters 7–9


1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d.

1. That worker was always late so we had to .......... him.

a. whisper

b. refuse

c. sink

d. dismiss

2. Just sit down and ........... I’m quite good at cooking, Mum!.

a. leave it to me

b. tell me about it

c. leave it alone

d. let it go

3. He didn’t want anyone else to hear the instructions so he .......... them to me.

a. worried

b. explained

c. whispered

d. expected

4. Everyone in my family .......... my aunt Heba because she’s a wonderful person.

a. reminds

b. recovers

c. influences

d. adores

5. My uncle is very .......... and he spends a particularly large amount of money at holiday time.

a. spectacular

b. extravagant

c. jealous

d. arrogant

6. She’s a beautiful and intelligent young woman, so I’m not surprised that she has a lot of .......... .

a. merchants

b. admirers

c. convicts

d. gatekeepers

7. If you spend more money than you earn, you’ll quickly find yourself .......... .

a. in debt

b. in a fortune

c. confirmed

d. deserted

8. People don’t like it if you act in an .......... way because it looks like you think you’re better than them.

a. uncertain

b. arrogant

c. obvious

d. elegant

9. We thought we were going to win, but .......... when they announced the winners and it wasn’t us.

a. our trust was broken

b. our hearts sank

c. we were kept away

d. we fell out

10. You can’t see the hole in the floor from up there, you need to .......... on the floor to see it.

a. recover

b. desert

c. crouch

d. keep away

11. Do you think that you’ll live in Cairo .......... or only stay for a short time?

a. completely

b. elegantly

c. thoroughly

d. permanently

12. We all .......... our grandfather because he was extremely ill and the doctors weren’t sure if he would get better.

a. fear for

b. are guilty for

c. are responsible for

d. scare for


2. Match the people with the sentences that describe what happens to them in Chapters 7-9.

1. Pip d. makes a discovery which changes how they see life.
2. Magwitch/Provis a. finally achieves something that he/she has wanted to do for a long time.
3. Miss Havisham b. explains the true meaning of love.
4. Estella f. makes someone feel confused about his/her feelings.
5. Mr Jaggers c. gives extravagant presents to someone.
6. Herbert Pocket e. needs help because he/she is in a lot of debt.

3. Match characters from Exercise 2 with the things they said in Chapters 7-9.

1. ‘What? Please don’t say that she is the Estella you knew!’ Miss Havisham
2. ‘We’ll make you a gentleman, too, my boy!’ Magwitch/Provis
3. ‘You should know, … because I am what you made me!’ Estella
4. ‘She will make you unhappy,’ he replied. ‘You should try to forget her!’ Herbert Pocket

4. Answer the questions.

1. How does Pip feel when he sees Estella again at the start of Chapter 7?

a. proud of the gentleman he’s become

b. like a poor boy who has nothing

2. Pip decides never to see Joe again because of something that which person said to him?

a. Miss Havisham

b. Estella

3. What does Pip realise at the end of Chapter 7?

a. Marrying Estella won’t make him happy.

b. Estella won’t ever agree to marry him.

4. In Chapter 8, Pip feels guilty about encouraging Herbert to do what?

a. believe he’ll receive a great fortune

b. spend large amounts of money

5. What does Estella tell Pip about the men she spends time with?

a. She isn’t sure which one she wants to marry.

b. He’s the only one that she’s honest with.

6. Why does Pip return home to the village in Chapter 8?

a. To go to his sister’s funeral

b. To visit Miss Havisham

7. How did Magwitch find out where Pip lives?

a. He followed him to his lodgings.

b. Mr Jaggers gave him the address.

8. Why is Magwitch in danger in London?

a. Because the thieves he used to work for want to kill him.

b. Because he has to stay in Australia for the rest of his life.

9. What does Pip decide to do after finding out that Magwitch is his benefactor in Chapter 9?

a. To not take any more money from him.

b. To tell the police that he’s back in London.

10. What does Pip discover about Miss Havisham’s ex-fiancée, Arthur?

a. He was also a thief and a convict.

b. He told Magwitch to help Pip financially.