Lesson 2


1. Listen to a job interview. Answer the questions.

1. Where is Fatima applying to do an internship?

Fatima is applying to do an internship at a library.

2. What four things does the interviewer ask Fatima about?

Why she wants to do an internship; If she visits the library regularly; What subjects she enjoys doing at school; Team work experience; Doing a weekend job.

3. What will happen after the interview?

The interviewer will email Fatima next week to inform her about whether they’ve chosen her to do the internship.

2. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Fatima responds to the interviewer’s greeting in a polite and friendly way. F
2. The library is near where Fatima lives. T
3. Fatima doesn’t like working at a desk indoors. T
4. Fatima isn’t sure if she would describe herself as a team player. F
5. Fatima hasn’t had a part-time job while she’s been at school. T
6. The interviewer ends the interviewer after asking Fatima when she could start the internship. F


4. The interviewer sends Fatima some feedback on her performance in the interview. Read the feedback and choose the correct options.

Dear Fatima,
Thank you very much for coming to our interview last week. On this occasion we (1) have decided / have been deciding to choose another candidate for the internship.
I can see that you’re a team player and I’m sure you work very (2) hard / hardly to support the teams you play sports with. However, I thought that your interest in our library didn’t really come through (3) clear / clearly enough. In fact, you seem to have (4) few / little interest in books in general. I feel that you might be happier doing an internship that (5) will be connected / is connected with sports instead.
Kind Regards,
Sara El Gamal