Lesson 3


1. A student asked six friends and relatives for their definitions of success. They each wrote their answers as notes on pieces of paper. Read the definitions and answer the questions.

1. Which people agree with each other?

Hassan and Zeinab

2. Who chose a definition of success nobody else chose?

Eman and Omar

2. Match the people with the things they see as signs of success.

1. Omar c. Having a happy family who enjoy their time together and are there for each other.
2. Tarek f. Having a job which shows that you’re responsible for something or some people.
3. Emal d. Having as much money as possible.
4. Nehal b. doing a good job and informing people.
5. Hassan a. Having enough time for the things and people you care about.
6. Zeinab e. Having time for fun and activities with friends.