Lesson 1


1. Match the words in the box with the definitions.

lesson 1(9)

1. extending your arms and legs stretch out.
2. give a shout of encouragement cheer.
3. look at something behind you look back.
4. keeping the same regular pace steady.
5. annoyed or bored fed up.
6. cut into pieces chop.
7. cover land with a large amount of water flood.
8. drop of liquid which comes from the eye when you are sad tear.

2. Read the stories quickly. Are they a legend, fable or a myth? Justify your answer.

1. Isis and Osiris – a myth (set in the past with people).
2. The Hare and the tortoise – a fable (fantastical story with animals).

3. Read the stories again and answer the questions.

1. How did Anubis help Osiris? Anubis put the pieces of Osiris’ body back together again.

2. Why were the animals annoyed with Hare? Because he was arrogant and boasted about how fast he could run.

3. Why was the end of the race surprising? Because the tortoise, who was much slower, won the race.