Lesson 2


2. Read the information about the Legend of King Arthur. Answer true (T) or false (F).

1. Some people have found proof that King Arthur did exist. F
2. In the beginning, stories about King Arthur were passed on verbally. T
3. Although the many stories were different, the characters were usually the same. T
4. Knights had to follow certain rules about how to behave. T
5. The authors who wrote about King Arthur all came from England. F

3. Read the information again and make notes in your notebook explaining in your own words what or who the following are.

1. Geoffrey of Monmouth: He was the first person to write about King Arthur.

2. Knights of the Round Table: They helped King Arthur to ight for good.

3. The sword in the stone: This was a sword which a man called Merlin put in a stone to test people’s strength and decide who was to be the king of England.

4. The Holy Grail: This was a cup which people thought could keep you young forever and make you happy for always.

5. Sir Lancelot: He was one of King Arthur’s most loyal and brave knights.

6. Chretien de Troyes: He was a poet who came from France and wrote ive stories about King Arthur in the 1100s.