Lesson 3

Before you start

Discuss the questions in pairs.

What do you think we can learn from myths? We can learn about our culture and what people thought in the past.


1. Circle the correct words to complete the facts about myths and legends.

a. Myths often have fantastic unreal creatures/wild animals in them.
b. Myths and legends tell stories with modern/universal themes.
c .They help us understand the perspectives/humour of people from the past.
d. They are entertaining/boring with wonderful plots and characters.
e. They don’t relate to/reflect the culture of the country in which they were written.


2. Listen to the radio show. Check your answers to Exercise 1.

a. creatures

b. universal

c. perspectives

d. entertaining

e. relect

3. Listen again. Answer true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. The author, Scott, thinks that myths and legends are out-dated and old-fashioned. F. The author, Scott, doesn’t think that myths and legends are outdated and old-fashioned.
2. Their only purpose is to educate people. F. They also entertain people.
3. They also teach us about other cultures. T
4. Japanese myths are always about islands. F. Japanese myths often relect the fact that Japan is an island nation.