Lesson 6

Before you start

Go back and skim the chapter. Discuss the questions in pairs.

1. What happens to Compeyson in this chapter?

Compeyson goes under the water and does not come up again.

2. How would you describe the relationship between Pip and Estella at the end of the book? What do you think might happen?

At the end of the book Pip and Estella are finally being themselves. They tell each other that they are friends now. They might stay friends, or perhaps they will marry.


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.

lesson 6(4)

1. The sea was rough and they struggled to get him back into the boat.
2. He went to prison because he had broken into someone’s house and taken some jewellery.
3. She considered his offer of marriage very seriously, but in the end she said no.
4. Egypt is a country which has always fascinated me.
5. They spent a lot of time apart as they were working in different countries.


3. Complete the chapter summary with the correct names of the characters.

Pip and Provis tried to escape, but (1) Pip fell in the water when a wave made the boat sink. (2) Provis was hit on the head by the steamer.
(3) Provis died in the prison hospital, but before he died, (4) Pip told him that his daughter was still alive. Pip became ill, and (5) Joe looked after him until he was better. Miss Havisham died and left most of her money to (6) Miss Havisham. (7) Estella and Joe got married. Pip went to Egypt to work with (8) Biddy for Mr Clarriker. He didn’t see Joe and Biddy for 11 years. When he saw them again, they had two children. Pip meets (9) Herbert Pocket who is no longer married. (10) Mr Clarriker had died in an accident. (11) Estella has changed a lot and is now much kinder towards Pip.

4. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. The police officers rescued Provis and Compeyson from the river. F, Provis was rescued, but the police didn’t ind Compeyson.
2. Provis was still alive when they pulled him out of the water. T
3. Pip was offered a job abroad. T
4. Provis died in the prison hospital. T
5. Joe was very confused while he was ill. F, Joe wasn’t ill. Pip was confused when he was ill.
6. Pip went to Joe and Biddy’s wedding. F, Pip met Joe and Biddy just after they had got married.
7. Estella had been happily married to Drummle before he died. F, Estella was very unhappy in her marriage to Bentley Drummle. Bentley Drummle had been cruel to her.
8. Pip meets Estella in Miss Havisham’s old house. F, Pip meets Estella in the gardens of Miss Havisham’s old house. The house is not there now.


5. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. What were Pip’s ‘expectations’ or ambitions at the beginning of the novel?

His ambitions were to become a gentleman, to improve his social position and to win the heart of Estella.

2. What does he do to try and achieve his ambitions?

He goes to Biddy and wants her to teach him everything she knows. He tries to learn as much as he can about manners from his friend Herbert.

3. Does he achieve any of his goals?

No, he doesn’t achieve either of his goals, although he is a gentleman for a time. He ends up with no money and Joe has to pay off his debts while Estella ends up marrying Drummle. However, he does do well in his job in Egypt and becomes a manager, and there is hope at the end that he may end up with Estella after all.

4. What does he learn?

He learns that your social class and position are not as important as kindness, and he becomes a better person at the end of the novel.