Lesson 3


1. Listen to the start of an interview for an internship and answer the questions.

1. What sort of company is the internship for? A publishing company.
2. What might interns who have impressed them be offered? Interns who have impressed them may be offered possible future employment.

2. Listen again. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive.

1. The successful candidate will be offered an internship in the editorial department of the publishers.
2. Basic training will be given in some of the other skills you will need.
3. The job is based in our London office, but some of your tasks can be done from home.
4. Work laptops can be taken home for this, but must be brought back at the end of each week.
5. Our laptops should not be used to play games or watch films.
6. Successful candidates will be offered travel expenses, but I’m afraid you won’t be paid otherwise.
7. Details will be kept of all interns that we are impressed with.


3. Match the two parts of the sentences to make complete sentences.

1. During the Coronavirus pandemic, many g. interns had to be given training online.
2. A photo should be h. sent with your CV when you apply for a job.
3. Interns at the building company will be d. taken to building sites around the country.
4. Helmets and protective boots must be a. worn when visiting the building sites.
5. Candidates for the job at the bank should be b. dressed smartly for the interview.
6. Most of our applicants want to be given work c. at our modern offices that overlook the park.
7. Interns at the museum will be expected to e. work at weekends, which are our busiest times.
8. Although the internship is in a restaurant, food f. won't be provided to our workers.

4. Complete the sentences with the passive.

1. During take-off and landing, seatbelts must be worn at all times.
2. When nobody asks for lost objects on the metro, they will be given to charity.
3. In residential streets, cars need to be driven slowly.
4. That dirty old hotel should be knocked down.
5. My favourite football team are hoping to be top at the end of the year.