
1. Complete the sentences with these words.


1. The bed was very uncomfortable, with thick, rough blankets.
2. Tarek went on holiday and was astonished to see his neighbour was staying in the same hotel!
3. I am a great admirer of famous writers from the past, like Charles Dickens.
4. The rich guest at the hotel was very extravagant. He ordered the best food and stayed in the most expensive room. But he was also arrogant. He thought he was better than us.
5. After the famous actor died, hundreds of people went to his funeral.
6. Finally, I managed to pay off my debts.
7. Ahmed sighed with relief when he saw his test results.
8. The room was empty, apart from one man who was sitting beside the bed.

2. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Pip loved Estella because he understood how she felt. True / False,Pip loved Estella but he did not understand her.
2. In London, Estella had many admirers because she had a cold heart. True / False,She hid the fact she had a cold heart from them.
3. Pip believes that Estella likes Bentley Drummle. True / False,
4. Pip was poorer than Herbert and had more debts. True / False, Herbert was poorer and had more debts.
5. Pip learnt who his benefactor was on his birthday. True / False, He received ive hundred pounds but no information.
6. Pip used his birthday money to help Herbert get a job. True / False
7. Pip was home alone when Magwitch visited him. True / False
8. Magwitch escaped from a prison in Australia and is very poor. True / False, He lived in Australia as a sheep farmer where he made his fortune.

3. Match to make collocations.

1. become d. a member of a club
2. make a. a fortune
3. offer b. someone a job
4. pay off c. your debts

4. Match the people with the descriptions.


1. He had less money than Pip and spent more money at gentleman’s clubs than he should. Herbert
2. Pip thought him arrogant and was jealous of him because he visited Estella. Bentley Drummle
3. She had a terrible argument with Estella. Miss Havisham
4. She was kind and patient with Pip and was going to be the village teacher. Biddy
5. Biddy saw him when Joe’s sister died and he was watching Biddy from behind a tree. Orlick
6. He gave Pip a generous birthday present but no information about his benefactor. Mr Jaggers
7. He was a merchant who gave Herbert a job. Mr Clarriker
8. He was about sixty with dark, grey hair. Magwitch

5. Choose the correct spelling of the words in these sentences from the story.

1. Estella wanted to trick all her admirers, a part/apart from Pip.
2. Pip learnt that his sister had dyed/died.
3. Pip was angry that his sister’s attacker had not been caught/court.
4. They decided to berry/bury Pip’s sister next to their parents.
5. Pip was not shore/sure that he would visit Biddy often.
6. When Herbert went abroad to work, Pip missed/mist him.

7. Answer the questions. Write in your notebook.

1. In what ways had Pip and Herbert become extravagant? They had become members of an expensive gentleman’s club.
2. Why did Pip continue to visit Estella in Richmond? He hoped she would fall in love with him.
3. Why did Pip feel angry and want revenge when he thought of Orlick? He thought that Orlick had attacked his sister, and he wanted revenge now that she had died.
4. Why did Pip feel sorry when he visited Joe and Biddy? Because they were kind to him and he had not visited them for a long time.
5. Why did Pip promise Biddy that he would make Orlick leave the village? He thought that Orlick was now frightening Biddy.
6. Why was Pip looking forward to his twenty-first birthday? He thought he would receive his fortune and learn who his benefactor was.
7. Who was the person who had made Pip a gentleman? It was Magwitch, the old convict.

8. Read the quotations and answer the questions. Write in your notebook.

1. ‘You know that I want to trick all of my admirers. All of them, apart from you!’ Why do you think Estella says this to Pip? It seems that Estella wants Pip to believe that he is special. Perhaps Miss Havisham wants her to do this.
2. ‘I have never forgotten what you did for me that day, Pip!’ Why does Magwitch say this? He remembers how Pip helped him in the graveyard, when he was a boy.
3. ‘I’ve worked hard in Australia ever since, so that you won’t need to work.’ Why did Magwitch want to do this? He wanted to help Pip because Pip had helped him as a child.
4. “Yes, Pip, I’ve made a gentleman of you!” Who made Pip a “gentleman”? How did Pip become a gentleman? Magwitch made a gentleman out of Pip. He went to London and had a ine education and new friends.

9. Pip says, ‘I knew that I had changed, and not for the best, since I had met Mr Jaggers and learnt that I was to become a gentleman. I sometimes wished that I had never met Miss Havisham.’ Write about 200 words to explain why Pip thinks this.

Pip started the story as a poor boy, but he was kind. He wanted to help the convicts and he got on well with Joe. But since he met Miss Havisham, he has become a rich gentleman. He no longer wants to see Joe and the people he knew from the village, he has become an arrogant man. He has started to live an extravagant lifestyle and spends his evenings at a gentleman’s club. Until he decides to spend some money to help Herbert get a job, he has not spent his money well.