Lesson 4


1. Read and match to make collocations.

1. to look c. for an internship
2. to have a long-term f. goal
3. to cover a. news
4. to award b. someone a prize
5. to be d. a team player
6. to make e. a good impression


2. Read the online professional profile and write the missing sentences a–d in the right places.

a. I have some experience of journalism after working on the school’s online magazine.
b. The fact that I’m able to write well will help me to succeed in journalism.
c. Finally, I also volunteer at a local charity which helps poor families in the area I’ve recently finished secondary school.
d. I've recently finished secondary school.

Azza Nakhla 07159 125 147 azzanakhla.day@gmail.com

1. d I’m currently looking for an internship at a website where I can learn more about writing online news stories. My long-term goal is to have a successful career as a journalist where I can work on websites covering national and international news.
2. a I enjoyed the experience so much that I decided that this was the best career for me.
While I was at school, I was awarded a prize for a writing project. 3. b I also have very good communication skills and I’m a great team player, after spending ive years as captain of the school basketball team. 4. c

3. Read the proile again and answer the questions.

1. What does Azza want to learn? How to write online news stories.
2. What job does she want to do in the future? She wants to be a journalist where she can work on websites covering national and international news.
3. What made her want to do this job? She worked on the school’s online magazine and enjoyed the experience.
4. How do we know that she is able to write well? She was awarded a prize for a writing project when she was at school.
5. Is Azza able to show how she has good communication skills? No, she does not tell us this.
6. What does she do outside school which show she is a good candidate for a job? She is a good team player and is also happy to help other people, such as the people at the charity.