Lesson 2


1. Choose the correct answer.

1. The theatre is a place where / which / when many famous actors have performed.
2. The obelisk is a landmark what / that / where can be seen from far away.
3. Kareem is my neighbour whose / who / whom is well-known for his generosity.
4. The furniture factory is the place which / where / who my friend works at.
5. Did you know the old man who / which / whose car was completely damaged?

2. Write sentences in your notebooks using the words given.

1. pyramids / tombs / where / kings / buried. Pyramids are tombs where kings are buried.
2. King Tutankhamun / funeral mask/ discovered in 1922 / located in Egypt. King Tutankhamen, whose funeral mask was discovered in 1922, is located in Egypt.
3. The Rosetta Stone / stone with writing / discovered / 1799. The Rosetta Stone, which is a stone with writing on, was discovered in 1799.
4. King Khufu / person / built / Great Pyramid of Giza. King Khufu was the person who built the Great Pyramid of Giza.


3. Listen and choose the correct option. What is the event about?

A. The Vikings

B. Tanzania

C. A multicultural celebration

4. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1. Where is the event?

A. Dublin

B. Different places each year

C. Tanzania

2. When is the event?

A. September

B. August

C. July

3. What is the name of the event?

A. Mountjoy Square Park

B. Dublin Welcome Visitors

C. Festival of Nations

4. How many countries are represented?

A. About 28

B. Less than 40

C. More than 40

5. How many people usually attend?

A. More than 7 thousand

B. less than 7 thousand

C. More than 8 thousand

6. How long does the music and dancing last?

A. 7 hours

B. 4 hours

C. 6 hours

5. Complete the gaps with words from the box. Listen and check.

lesson 2(10)

1. Mountjoy Square Park is a place where, for the past several years, an event called the ‘Festival of Nations’ has been held.
2. It's a chance for all the different nationalities who live in Dublin to share their culture.
3. Paul McAuliffe, who is the Mayor responsible for this initiative, says that ever since the Vikings, the people of Dublin have welcomed visitors to the island.
4. I recommend visiting the Festival of Nations which makes you feel like you can tour the world in a few hours.