Lesson 3


1. Complete the gap with a word from the box.

lesson 3(4)

1. I think every country should try to build a sense of pride in their national heritage.
2. One of our family’s ancestors helped to create the local museum.
3. History can tell us a lot about a nation’s roots.
4. My grandmother says we should never forget our cultural heritage and where we come from.
5. For a country to continue to grow, it needs to embrace change.


2. Read the blog entry quickly and answer the question. Who wrote the blog?

An Irish immigrant living in Egypt.

3. Read the blog entry again and write the answers to the questions in your notebook.

1. When did Robert first arrive in Luxor? Ten years ago.
2. What did he do when he first arrived? He took a carriage ride round the town.
3. What did he do after two weeks in the city? He rented a flat and looked for work.
4. What job did he find? He found a job teaching English.
5. How did he find other Irish people in Luxor? He found them through a website.
6. What do you think “I was home-sick” means? it means he missed his home country.


4. Listen to another immigrant. What country does he live in?

a. France

b. India

c. England

d. Egypt

5. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Where is Virat from? India.
2. Where does he live now? Cairo, Egypt.
3. How long has he lived there? Over twenty-four years.
4. What did he study at university? History.
5. What did he start a few years ago? An Indian Association.

6. Write the ways Robert and Virat stay connected with their cultural roots.

Speak it; eat it; embrace it; learn it.