
1. Complete the sentences with words in the box.


1. I can’t believe how well you draw. This picture is incredible. Well done!
2. My mum screamed loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen!
3. I think I need to go on a diet as these trousers are too tight for me.
4. My sister has an extreme fear of injections. She often faints when she sees the needle.
5. The lighthouse helped to guide the ship away from the rocks.
6. Don’t say anything about Amir’s birthday present. I don’t want you to spoil the surprise.
7. The handle of the door broke and I couldn’t get out of the room for a long time.
8. You must be careful when having a barbecue. Just one spark could cause a big fire.
9. Somebody started the fire deliberately It burnt fiercely as the firefighters tried to stop it.
10. In the past, criminals were tied up and transported from England to Australia by steamers.

2. How are these sentences expressed in the story?

1. I opened the door fast. I quickly opened the door.
2. Orlick had intentionally left the leg irons in the kitchen. Orlick had deliberately left the leg irons in the kitchen.
3. The fire was burning in a violent way. The fire was burning fiercely.
4. The little girl disappeared quickly and unexpectedly. The little girl suddenly disappeared.
5. We did not row fast along the river. We rowed slowly along the river.
6. I very quickly decided to visit them. I immediately decided to visit them.
7. You made me furious and envious. You made me angry and jealous.

3. Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences.

1. Molly was the person who/when/where disappeared with her daughter.
2. A rowing boat was the object when/whose/which they used to get to the steamer.
3. Orlick was about to attack Pip which/when/where he fainted.
4. Orlick, when/which/who used to work for Miss Havisham, lost his job because of Pip.
5. It was on the river when/who/where the police caught Provis.
6. Where/When/Whose dress caught on fire?
7. Which/Whose/When Pip touched the flame, it was so hot, it burnt his hand.

4. Put the events from the story into the correct order.

1. Miss Havisham tells Pip she wanted to use Estella to take revenge on all men. 1
2. Provis is caught by the police before he can escape. 9
3. Herbert and Pip make plans to help Provis escape abroad. 8
4. Mr Jaggers tells Pip to keep the information about Molly and Provis a secret. 4
5. Pip saves Miss Havisham by putting out the fire on her dress. 2
6. Orlick says he took his revenge on Pip for causing him to lose his job. 6
7. Startop and Herbert follow Pip to the marshes and save him from being killed by Orlick. 7
8. Pip is attacked and tied up by Orlick. 5
9. Pip discovers that Provis and Molly are Estella’s parents. 3

5. Read the sentences. Circle true or false and Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Miss Havisham had a bad experience in the past but wanted to help men. True / False. Miss Havisham had a bad experience in the past and wanted to take revenge on men.
2. Miss Havisham adopted Estella so she could help her real mother. True / False. She decided to adopt her so that she could teach her how to break men’s hearts.
3. While Pip was in the kitchen he heard Miss Havisham screaming and went to help her. True / False. While Pip was walking in the garden he had a terrible feeling and returned to find Miss Havisham’s dress on fire.
4. Provis had a daughter with Molly but Provis disappeared with the little girl. True / False. Provis had a daughter with Molly, but Molly disappeared with the little girl.
5. Orlick planned to kill Pip for spoiling things for him. True / False
6. Pip was able to escape through the window before he was killed by Orlick. True / False. As Pip was about to be killed by Orlick, Pip fainted and he was saved by Herbert and Statop.

6. Look at the pictures and write a short paragraph in your notebook to explain what happened in each picture.

1. Pip was walking in the untidy garden and had a feeling that something was wrong with Miss Havisham. He returned to the house and saw her wedding dress was on fire. He helped her but she was badly injured.
2. While helping Miss Havisham Pip burnt his hands although he hadn’t realised at the time. Herbert helped to bandage his hands carefully.
3. Pip had planned to help Provis escape abroad and go with him. He met Herbert and Startop by their boat and Provis joined them later when nobody was looking.