Lesson 4


1. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions in the box.

lesson 4(1)

1. My grandparents live with us so I am fortunate to be able to talk to them about my ancestors.
2. He's writing our family tree not only because he wants to, but for future generations too.
3. Through reading my great-grandfather’s diary, I have learnt a lot about our roots.
4. Thanks to my mum that I love reading about history so much. She reads a lot.
5. My mother says I am very like my grandmother because we both laugh a lot.
6. My friend lives in Greece but speaks English due to his father being from Scotland.
7. I think new ideas are important, but we must also learn from the past.

2. Divide the sentences in Exercise 1 into the two categories. Write in your notebook.

Sentences which give the situation: 1, 3, 7

Sentences which give a reason: 2, 5, 6, 4


3. Listen to a conversation between two friends. What are they talking about?

A. The different places one boy’s grandfather lived.
B. The different stories one boy’s grandfather told him.
C. The different people one boy’s grandfather met.

4. Listen again and circle the expressions you hear.

1. thanks to my grandfather

2. You're very lucky to

3. due to

4. I feel very fortunate to

5. so I am fortunate

6. not only because