Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with words from the list.

lesson 1(16)

1. It hasn’t stopped raining all week and the river might flood the town.
2. I don’t understand why Adam always has to boast about how big his house is.
3. If we look back at the past, we see that storytellers were very important people.
4. He was so happy. He wanted to cheer when he heard the good news.
5. The knight’s horse was very steady even though it was walking on a stony path.
6. Our cat loves to stretch out on my bed when I go to school.


2. Read the legend of Setanta and answer the questions in your notebook.

1. Who boasted about his past adventure? Setanta’s father.
2. What did Setanta want to become? A Red Knight.
3. What did Setanta do to be a member of the Red Knights? He walked at a steady pace.
4. What attacked Setanta outside the castle? A large and fierce dog.
5. What responsibility did the Red Knights give Setanta? The responsibility of protecting the castle.


3. Choose the correct option to change this sentence into reported speech:

The teacher said, "You'll never succeed without hard work".

A. The teacher told us that we will never succeed without hard work.

B. The teacher told us that we had never succeeded without hard work.

C. The teacher told us that we would never succeed without hard work.

D. The teacher told us that he had never succeeded without hard work.

4. Rewrite the following using reported speech.

1. “I really want to join them!” Setanta thought. Setanta thought that he really wanted to join them.
2. “If I keep on walking at a steady pace, I won’t face many problems,” Setanta thought. Setanta thought that if he kept walking at a steady pace, he wouldn’t face many problems.
3. “You are too young to join us," the Red Knights told Setanta. The Red Knights told Setanta that he was too young to join them.