Lesson 2


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

lesson 2(11)

1. The prince was very humble and did not say anything about how wealthy he was.
2. There was no evidence to prove that the cause of death was murder.
3. Everyone dreams of good health and eternal youth.
4. The knights rode their horses to the King’s palace.
5. He is strict, but he’s honest and fair too. We think he’s an honourable person.
6. The prince was known for his chivalry. He was brave, humble, and polite, especially to women.


2. Read Ziad Sabri’s blog post quickly and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Mohamed Salah is very generous. T
2. He tries to help people in his own country. T
3. Mohamed Salah always boasts about his wealth. F, Mohamed Salah is a humble person.

3. Read the blog post again. Answer the questions below in your notebook.

1. What reasons and examples does Ziad give for thinking Salah is a legend? He is a brilliant footballer and has done so much for other people. He paid for an ambulance centre to be opened in Gharbia; a girl’s school; a cancer charity.
2. What adjectives does he use to describe him? honourable; helpful; generous; humble.
3. What other name do they call him in Egypt? The happiness maker.


4. Change the following into reported speech.

1. People said, “Mohamed Salah donated 50 million Egyptian pounds to the National Cancer Association”. People said that Mohamed Salah had donated 50 million Egyptian pounds to the National Cancer Association.

2. “I’m lucky enough to be able to help people.” He said he was lucky to be able to help people.

3. “I wish I had more time in the day to help more people.” He said he wished he had more time in the day to help more people.