
1. Match the definitions with the words in the box.


1. To make a big effort to do something: struggle.
2. To be killed for doing something bad: pay with your life.
3. To be known for doing something wrong: be found guilty.
4. To think about a possibility: consider.
5. Very interested in something or someone: fascinated.
6. To enter a building by force perhaps to steal something: break into.
7. You like someone a lot: have a place in your heart.
8. To be separated: be apart.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word or expression from Exercise 1. You may need to change the form of the word.

1. I’m going to consider the two university offers I have and decide which is best.
2. The students were fascinated by how many languages the teacher could speak.
3. The thief was found guilty of stealing important objects from a museum.
4. The robber broke into the house while the family were away on holiday.
5. The young man was driving too fast and ended up paying with his life. They buried him that night.
6. My grandmother is a wonderful woman and will always have a place in my heart.
7. The students struggled to understand the English vocabulary, but the teacher helped them.
8. My brother is going abroad to university, so we will be apart for six months.

3. Change these sentences from the story into reported speech:

1. ”Provis," said Pip, "Your daughter is still alive". Pip told Provis that his daughter was still alive.
2. "You can become a gentleman without me, my boy," Provis said. Provis told Pip that he could become a gentleman without him.
3. "It’s my wedding day, Pip". Biddy said, happily. Biddy told Pip happily that it was her wedding day.
4. Biddy said, "Joe and I have just got married". Biddy said that Joe and she had just got married.

4. Complete the sentences using narrative tenses.

1. When I was feeling (feel) better, Joe had (have) some news for me.
2. Pip was struggling (struggle) to swim, and someone pulled (pull) him out of the river.
3. Pip returned (return) to London and in a few weeks he had sold (sell) everything.
4. Pip was walking (walk) in the untidy garden when he saw (see) Estella.

5. Put the events from the story in the correct order.

a. Estella tells Pip that he had always had a place in her heart. 8
b. Provis dies while holding Pip’s hand. 2
c. Joe and Biddy get married. 5
d. Miss Havisham dies. 4
e. Pip returns to where the house was. 7
f. Pip becomes ill and Joe helps him get better. 3
g. Pip and Herbert go to work in Egypt. 6
h. Provis was given a life sentence. 1

6. Read the two sentences about the events in this chapter. Tick (✓) the correct one.

1. a. Compeyson was in a boat on the river rowing by himself.
b. Compeyson was in a boat on the river with police officers.
2. a. Provis had been hit on the head by the steamer.
b. Startop had been hit on the head by the steamer.
3. a. Mr Clarriker offered Pip a job in Egypt.
b. Herbert offered Pip a job in Egypt.
4. a. Joe was able to pay off Pip’s debts.
b. Herbert was able to pay off Pip’s debts after a few years.
5. a. Joe and Biddy had two children.
b. Joe and Biddy had four children.
6. a. Pip thought that he would never see Estella again.
b. Pip thought that he and Estella would stay together.

7. Read ouatb e thharcacters n iis thnal i chapter and decide which character it is.

1. This character tries to help his benefactor who has an accident. He has debts that Joe pays off and decides to start again in a new place. Pip
2. This character is very rich and has caused lots of problems for many people as she was unhappy in life due to problems caused by a man. She dies and gives money to a young lady and to a man she was told needed help. Miss Havisham
3. This character is a criminal and tried to kill the main character in the story and broke into someone’s house. He is sent to prison. Orlick
4. This character works with metal and he says he is the main character’s best friend. Joe
5. This wealthy businessman offers two other characters a job abroad. Mr Clarriker
6. This character is adopted by a rich woman. Estella