Lesson 3


1. Complete the sentences with words from the list.

lesson 3(5)

1. The children loved reading about the wonderful creatures in the different myths.
2. It is still easy for us to relate to the messages in old fables.
3. Although the tale is over 100 years old, we still have a similar perspective on society.
4. The most popular fables are those with universal themes.
5. The fantastic flying creatures made the tale even more entertaining for the children.


2. Listen to the radio debate about myths, legends and fables. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Old stories have helped people understand the world. True
2. Technology cannot help to collect old stories. False
3. They both agree that some myths, legends and fables can be entertaining and helpful. True

3. Listen again and tick the expressions you hear.

1. In our opinion,
2. We don’t quite agree with that.
3. That’s one way of looking at it,
4. As we see it,
5. What do you mean by that?
6. We don’t agree with that.

All expressions are heard.

4. Listen again and complete the sentences with one word from the debate.

1. Hany’s group believe that myths, legends and fables help us understand the world.

2. We usually use different tales to help us explain the things we don’t completely understand.

3. These tales have two purposes. One is to explain the human experience and the other is to entertain.

4. The Egyptian Records of Traditional Culture have collected 623 hours of old stories.