Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.


1. I feel lonely and I’m beginning to have strange dreams. I’m worried about my mental health.
2. I am always studying and when I have free time I just want to stay in bed. I think I’m suffering from burnout.
3. I think schools should promote the importance of looking after yourself.
4. I don’t have the time to do everything I want to do. I’m bad at time management.
5. My father has to cope with a lot of stress in his job and uses sport to help him relax.
6. Mohamed has started to exercise regularly. It has helped him improve his general well-being a lot. He is much more relaxed and positive now.
7. Amal is always exhausted and she never has the energy to do anything.
8. My mum knows how to cope with difficult situations really well.
9. My grandmother said walking in the countryside helped improve her physical and mental health.
10. You must always make time for self-care. If you look after yourself, you will be able to help others as well.


2. Read the article. Which tip ...

1. says you should pay attention to what you eat and drink? Tip 4
2. says it is not good to study for long periods with no break? Tip 2
3. suggests a special technique to help you plan your study periods? Tip 2
4. says exercise helps you to reduce stress? Tip 3
5. suggests organising all the things you have to do before you begin? Tip 1
6. says that going outside is a good idea? Tip 3