Lesson 2


1. Choose the correct words.

1. Why don’t you use/to use a diary to help you plan your work?
2. You couldn’t have to do/done any more than you did. That was your best.
3. Have you thought about doing/do more exercise?
4. What about starting/start with the most important things first?
5. She looks very tired. I think she should has/have gone to bed earlier last night.
6. You could study/studying together and help each other.
7. Have you considered listening/listen to music before going to bed?
8. You shouldn’t have watched/to watch TV so late last night!

2. Read the problems and write some advice. Use the word in brackets.

1. I sometimes get headaches when I’m studying and I’m often thirsty. (considered)
Have you considered drinking more water?

2. My back hurts from sitting in the same position for so long. (how)
How about doing some regular exercise?

3. I stayed up all night revising and now I’m exhausted. (should)
You should try going to bed earlier.

4. I’m not sure how to complete the project for the teacher. (could)
You could ask the teacher for help.

5. I have to finish an essay but I’m hungry and it’s nearly lunchtime. (what)
What about having something to eat first?

3. Complete the conversation with the correct word. Then listen and check your answers.

lesson 2(1)

Leila: Hi Nadia. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?
Nadia: Hi Leila. Thanks for asking. I’m a bit stressed.
Leila: Oh no! Why (1) don't you sit down and tell me about it?
Nadia: Well, I have three exams this week and don’t know when I can revise because I have a big project for science, too. I also promised my parents I would help them in the shop in the evenings.
Leila: That sounds like a lot. Have you (2) considered telling your parents you are stressed?
Nadia: I don’t want to worry them.
Leila: You (3) could write down everything you have to do this week in order of priority and say ‘no’ to the things at the bottom of your list. Also, (4) how about doing your revision while you are in the shop. It’s usually quiet in the evenings, isn’t it?
Nadia: Have you (5) thought about becoming a student counsellor? You’re very good at giving advice!
Leila: Oh, thank you.