Lesson 4


1. Read each student’s description of their situation and match it with the email they wrote. What advice can you give each student?

1. Wael: I have moved house and school and it’s had an impact on my well-being. c

2. Imad: I am very worried about passing all my exams and although I can’t spend much time with friends, I still follow what they are doing on social media. a

3. Seleem: I think it’s important to know what is happening in the world, whether it’s good or bad. b

2. Read again and complete the sentences. Which student says ...

1. larger events have had a negative impact on him? Seleem
2. other people he knows seem to have an easier life? Imad
3. a change caused by another family member is a problem? Wael
4. he would prefer to stay at home as a result of how he feels? Seleem
5. the change in his life has come at a very bad time? Wael
6. he is not spending time with his friends anymore? Imad