Lesson 3


1. Listen and choose the correct message of the interview.

1. Other people have a big impact on how positive you feel.
2. If you do not say ‘thank you’ to others you will feel sad.
3. Positive thinking starts with how you think and behave.

2. Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. The name of George Mitchell’s book is Positive Thinking is Easy.
2. The book sold 30,000 / thirty thousand copies in one month.
3. George says it is important to begrateful for all the things we have.
4. In one study, one group wrote about things they were grateful for and the other group wrote about the things that produced stress in them.
5. The group who thought about all the good things in their lives were happier after just 10/ten weeks.
6. A study in 2017 demonstrated that being kind to others can have an impact on society.


3. Read a short extract from George Mitchell’s book. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. George Mitchell says we should avoid worrying about things out of our control. T
2. Nobody gets stressed about the changes in the weather. F
3. Buying a good raincoat is one example of a positive solution to a problem. T
4. Change is always a good thing for people. F
5. How we perceive change is what causes stress. T
6. Accepting change as normal will help us adapt to problems better. T