
1. Match the words and phrases to the definitions.


1. a building that belongs to you property.
2. an action that starts from this moment and continues into the future from now on.
3. a person who gives someone money to help them improve their life benefactor.
4. feelings that good things will happen expectations.
5. an object or some information that shows something is true proof.
6. when you really want something or want to do something my heart was set on.
7. something that is useful or good but difficult to do be worth the effort.
8. all the people who live together in one house household.

2. Match the characters with what they did in Chapter 4.

1. Miss Havisham d. is often nasty to people around her.
2. Estella b. has gone away to become a lady.
3. Miss Sarah Pocket i. is at Miss Havisham’s house and opens the door to Pip.
4. Pip h. receives some very good news about his future.
5. Mr Wopsle c. is someone Pip met the year before.
6. Orlick e. is thought to have hurt Mrs Joe.
7. Joe a. helps Pip to learn a trade.
8. Biddy f. is a good person and good friend to Pip.
9. Mr Jaggers g. is serious and distant but brings good news for Pip.

3. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. Miss Havisham told Pip to visit her once a week. False. Miss Havisham told Pip to visit her once a year.

2. There were lots of people in the kitchen when Pip entered. True

3. Someone had hit Mrs Joe and had stolen things from the kitchen. False. Someone had hit Mrs Joe, but nothing had been taken.

4. Biddy and Pip think Orlick might have hurt Mrs Joe because he was angry with her. True

5. Mrs Joe drew a file. False. Mrs Joe drew a hammer.

6. Miss Havisham used to give Pip some cake on his yearly visits. False. Miss Havisham gave Pip a coin on his yearly visits.

7. Pip told Biddy that he wanted to become a blacksmith. False. Pip told Biddy that he wanted to become a gentleman.

8. Joe was given twenty pounds for releasing Pip from his apprenticeship. False. Joe was asked if he needed any money for losing Pip as an apprentice. Pip was given twenty pounds to buy some new clothes.

4. Complete the sentences.

1. Pip promised that he would visit Miss Havisham once a year, on his birthday.
2. Although he had no proof, Pip suspected Orlick of attacking his sister.
3. Pip felt his life was improving because Biddy had come to cook and clean for them.
4. Mr Jaggers told Joe that Pip has great expectations.
5. After saying goodbye to Joe and Biddy, Pip felt lonelier than ever before.

5. Reread Chapter 4 and answer the questions.

1. Why do you think Orlick mentioned that more convicts had escaped from the prison ship?
Suggested: To give others the idea that it was a convict who had hit Mrs. Joe.

2. What does Pip say he needs to do to be happy?
Pip says he needs to lead a different life to the one he lives now to be happy.

3. Why did Mr Jaggers offer Joe money?
To compensate Joe for losing Pip as an apprentice.

4. Why does Pip ask Biddy to help Joe to speak better?
Pip felt ashamed of Joe’s poor education and wanted Biddy to help Joe improve.

6. Complete the sentences from the story with the correct adverb.


1. At the start of Chapter 4 Miss Havisham asked Pip a question angrily.
2. In the mist a man walked slowly towards Pip and Mr Wopsle.
3. Orlick acted strangely as he walked along the road with the two men.
4. Mrs Joe had been badly injured.
5. Biddy asked Pip quietly why he wanted to be a gentleman.
6. Mr Wopsle asked to speak to Pip and Joe privately.
7. Mr Wopsle asked Joe if Pip could finish his apprenticeship immediately.