Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

lesson 1(11)

1. Diets are most effective when you combine them with exercise.
2. Haytham got top marks in his exams. That is very impressive.
3. My brother works as a/an an administrative assistant for a big company.
4. Successful young people can be a/an an inspiration to other young people who want to do well in life.
5. My uncle is a member of a council. He is a councillor.


2. Listen to a talk about the Paralympian athlete Sherif Osman. Who has been his inspiration?

His coach, Said Abd El Hafez, has been his inspiration.

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. When did Sherif Osman first have a disability? When he was aged nine.

2. Where did Osman grow up? He grew up in a small village.

3. What problems did he have there? There were hardly any facilities for people with disabilities.

4. Why did he first start powerlifting? A friend suggested he tried it.

5. How many gold medals has he won at the Paralympic Games? He has won three.

6. How many hours does he train for? He trains for four hours a day.

4. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Then listen again to check your answers.

1. He caught a disease called polio and since then he has not been able to use all of his muscles very well. (good)
2. He grew up in a small village where there were hardly (hard) any facilities for people with disabilities.
3. He wanted his family to feel really (real) proud of him.
4. His inspiring (inspire) coach, Said Abd El Hafez, thought that Sherif’s powerlifting was very impressive (impress).
5. Since that time, he has been extremely (extreme) successful (success).
6. He continues to train hard (hard) for four hours every day.
7. When he was younger, he wanted to send a strong (strong) message to the world.
8. He has certainly (certain) done that.


5. Choose the correct word.

1. Lina is average/averagely height but is very strong/strongly.
2. Baher hard/hardly ever goes swimming, so I was surprised to see him in the sea.
3. Hoda worked really hard/hardly which is why she did very good/well in her exams.
4. It must be hard being a primary school teacher, because they are responsible/ responsibly for a lot of young children.
5. Good news! The climbing team have successfully climbed/climbed successfully the mountain.