Lesson 3


1. Match the techniques you can use to make a presentation sound more interesting (1–5) with the example sentences and questions (a–e).

1. Rhetorical question c. Have you heard this name before?
2. Comparing things e. That is like playing football at the world’s most famous stadium.
3. Pausing for a few seconds b. She has also done some amazing things …
4. Telling a story a. The first time I heard Fatma I thought, I want to be an opera singer too!
5. Using visual aids d. If you look at this poster, you can see a list of her awards.

2. Read the presentation. Add in the missing sentences a–e from Exercise 1.

Hi everyone. Thank you for coming to my presentation today. I’m going to tell you about the life and achievements of Fatma Said. (1) c Well, she is one of the world’s best opera singers. She started singing lessons at the Cairo Opera House when she was just fourteen (2) a But it is not easy. When she was younger, she worked very hard and studied in other countries. She got a degree in music at a university in Germany. Then, in 2014, she became the first ever Egyptian to sing at the famous opera house in Milan, Italy. (3) e
(4) b for example, she has sung for children’s rights to an education for the United Nations and in 2016, she won Egypt’s Creativity Award, a very important prize.
(5) d These include competitions she has won in Ireland, Turkey and Germany. And that brings me to the end of my presentation. Does anyone have any questions?