Lesson 4


1. Match to make sentences from two invitations. Which is formal and which is informal? Write I or F.

1. I It’s a bit c. short notice, but can you come tomorrow?
2. I The plan f. is that we meet outside the school.
3. I Let me e. know if you can come.
4. F It is our pleasure a. to invite you to our family party.
5. F We trust d. that you will have an enjoyable evening.
6. F Please use the attached b. RSVP form.


2. Read and order the two emails.

1. a. Let me know by this evening if you can make it. Hope to see you soon! Best wishes, Nabil 3
b. Hi Ali, We’re organising a picnic in the park for my cousins who are visiting from Australia. It’s tomorrow evening. It’s a bit short notice, but do you think you can come? 1
c. The plan is that we meet at our house at midday. Then we can prepare a picnic and take it to the park. 2

2. a. We trust that this will be a very enjoyable day where we can celebrate your daughter’s achievements with the other parents and young people at the university. 2
b. Please use the attached RSVP form to indicate whether you can attend and send it to the university ofice by 1st July. Yours sincerely, Mrs Magda 3
c. Dear Mr and Mrs Amir, It is our pleasure to invite you to your daughter’s graduation ceremony on 12 July. The day will begin at the university hall, when the certiicates will be given out to the graduates. We will then move to the university restaurant for an evening meal for the parents. 1

3. Read the emails again and answer the questions.

1. Why is Nabil’s email short notice? Because the picnic is tomorrow evening.
2. Who is preparing a picnic? They all are.
3. Why are they organising a picnic? Because Nabil’s cousins are visiting from Australia.
4. What will happen at the university hall? Certificates will be given out to graduates.
5. When do Mr and Mrs Amir need to reply to the invitation? They need to reply by 1st July.