Lesson 2


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.

lesson 2(8)

1. Tarek has achieved his goal of becoming a successful computer engineer.
2. Lamia has all the qualities you need to be a good teacher.
3. I have quoted some sentences from the presenter’s speech.
4. I use signposting language to highlight important information.


2. Read and complete the lecture with the present perfect or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Scientists (1) have been studying (study) what makes a successful student for many years.
Now, they (2) have published (publish) a report on their results.
Firstly, how many times (3) have you done (do) the housework? You may be surprised to
know that students who (4) have been helping (help) with the housework are often more successful workers when they become independent adults.
These students realise that work is something we all have to do to help each other. So students of parents who (5) have been planning (plan) what time they do everything are likely to be less independent.
Students who can make their own choices and plans will be more successful. Students who are able to solve problems with others or on their own are also more likely to achieve success in later life. The most successful students are often those who enjoy a challenge. If a student (6) has failed (fail) at a task, they don't worry, but sees it as an opportunity.
Students should always set goals for the future. So, (7) has this article inspired this article (inspire) you to become a better student?

3. Read the lecture again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences in your notebooks.

1. Scientists have just started studying what makes a successful student. F. They have been studying them for many years.
2. It is a good idea for students to do housework. T
3. Parents should tell students what to do all the time. F. Parents should let students make their own choices and plans.
4. Students can learn to be independent by making their own choices. T
5. Successful children can usually solve problems and enjoy a challenge. T
6. You should not continue with something if you fail at it. F. You should see it as an opportunity.
7. It is a good idea to set goals for the future. T


4. Complete the sentences with the present form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I have read (read) five books this month.
2. The ground is wet because it has been raining (rain) all day.
3. Tarek can’t play football because he has hurt (hurt) his leg.
4. I’m tired because I have been studying (study) all day.
5. Heba has been doing (do) the housework for three hours, but she hasn’t finished (not finish) yet.
6. Samir has been ill (ill) since he returned from Italy.