
1. Match the words and phrases and the deinitions.

1. adore e. love someone or something very much
2. client g. someone who pays a person for a service or advice
3. dismiss a. make someone leave their job
4. elegant j. having an attractive and graceful appearance
5. gatekeeper i. a person whose job is to guard an entrance
6. influence h. to affect the way someone behaves, or thinks
7. jealous b. feeling unhappy because someone has something you wish you had.
8. keep away from c. avoid going to or seeing
9. recover d. get better from an illness or injury
10. whisper f. say something very quietly

2. Complete the timeline with these events from the story.

a. Pip and Estella pass a prison while they are travelling through London. 6
b. We learn that Miss Havisham has given nearly all her jewellery to Estella. 7
c. Pip finds that Orlick is now Miss Havisham’s gatekeeper. 1
d. Pip visits an inn in London with Estella. 5
e. Pip talks to Estella in Miss Havisham’s garden. 2
f. Mr Jaggers promises he will dismiss Orlick from his job as gatekeeper. 4
g. Pip has dinner with Miss Havisham, Estella and Mr Jaggers. 3

3. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Orlick lets Pip into Miss Havisham’s house a month after his last visit. True / False, It is a year.
2. Pip thinks that Estella now looks very beautiful and smart. True / False
3. Herbert tells Pip that Estella is now kind and good. True / False, Herbert tells Pip that she will make him unhappy.
4. Pip is sure that Miss Havisham wants him to marry Estella. True / False
5. Pip tells Estella that Mr Jaggers has clients in Newgate Prison. True / False
6. Estella tells Pip that she will visit him at Matthew Pocket’s house. True / False, She expects Pip to visit her in Richmond.

4. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. ‘She will make you unhappy. You should forget her.’ Who says this to Pip and why? Herbert says this, because he knows that Estella is still cruel.

2. ‘I expect you have new friends. The ones you had in the village wouldn’t be good enough now, would they?’ Why did Estella say this and do you think it is true? Why? She says this because Pip is now a gentleman, so he has more important friends. I think it is true, because Pip does not want to see Joe or people from the village now.

3. ‘If she is cruel, love her! If she breaks your heart, love her! I made her what she is – to be loved!’ Why do you think Miss Havisham wants people to love Estella when she is so cruel? She wants people to feel the same as she did, when her cruel iancé left her.

4. ‘We are not free to do what we want, you know; we have to follow our instructions.’ Whose instructions do you think Estella is talking about, and why are they not free? We think that it must be Miss Havisham who is telling her and Pip what to do. They are not free because they need to do what she says.

5. Match the people to the descriptions.


1. He is unpleasant and might be dangerous. Orlick
2. He knows many secrets, and Estella has known him for a long time. Mr Jaggers
3. She says that she has no heart. Estella
4. He gives Pip some good advice about Estella. Herbert
5. He has become very proud of himself and his new life. Pip

6. Answer the questions.

1. Why did Pip tell Mr Jaggers that Miss Havisham was not safe with Orlick as gatekeeper? Because he thinks that Orlick is dangerous.
2. Why did Pip decide that he did not want to see Joe again? Because he thinks he is now a ine gentleman. Estella says that the people he knew in the village wouldn’t be good enough for him now, so he decides not to see Joe again.
3. Why does Pip feel delighted at the end of the chapter? Because Estella calls him Pip for the irst time.
4. Why do you think some of Miss Havisham’s relatives, the Pockets, are jealous of Pip? Because Miss Havisham is helping Pip, although he is not her relative. They probably think she should not help him.

7. Complete the sentences from the story with the correct adjective.


1. At the gate to Miss Havisham’s house, Pip had an unpleasant surprise when he saw Orlick.
2. Pip noticed a/an elegant lady sitting next to Miss Havisham.
3. Pip did not speak to any people in the village because he was too proud of himself and his new life.
4. Pip felt guilty that he had not seen Joe and sent him a present.
5. Estella did not seem annoyed that Pip was going with her in a carriage through London.
6. Pip and Estella sat in an inn that was dark and gloomy.
7. Estella told Pip that she would be staying with a wealthy lady, who would be paid to introduce her to suitable people in London.
8. Estella tells Pip that the Pockets are jealous of him.

8. It is a year since Pip last saw Estella. In what ways has she changed? In what ways is she the same? Write about how Estella’s character has developed. Write about 200 words in your notebook.

Estella has grown up and is now an elegant young woman. She is less cruel to Pip and talks to him more as an equal, perhaps because he is now a gentleman. However, she is still a cold person. She says that she does not remember being cruel to Pip when he was younger, and she still tells him what to do. For example, she tells Pip he is going with her in her carriage, and tells him that he is to pay for everything. We do not know if she is still playing a game with Pip and pretends to want to marry him, or if she has other ideas.