Lesson 1


1. Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

lesson 1(13)

1. There were no instructions, so we had to use our common sense to work it out.
2. If you want to work in the bank, you will need a working knowledge of the latest computing systems.
3. Albert Einstein’s work has been a major contribution to science.
4. Tarek decided to change careers and became a teacher instead.
5. We should all value the wisdom of older people. They have learned a lot throughout their lives.
6. Many young people find their first employment working in shops or cafes.
7. Lara worked abroad for four years, which was an amazing life experience that she will never forget.
8. Judy found that working as a volunteer was a life-changing experience. She has now decided to reinvent herself as a person who wants to help poor and sick people around the world.
9. Please, how can I cash this cheque according to the banking procedures?


2. Listen to the radio programme. Which two people had a working knowledge of farming?

Anna Mary Robertson Moses and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What have people been buying for years? The paintings of Anna Mary Robertson Moses.
2. What life-changing experience made Anna Mary start painting? She had a disease, which made it dificult for her to use her ingers, so she could not sew any more, so she started painting instead.
3. How old was Anna Mary when she died? She was 15.
4. How old was Laura Ingalls Wilder when she started to teach? She was 15.
5. Who encouraged Laura to reinvent herself as an author? Her daughter, Rose.
6. How old was Laura when her first book was published? She was 65.


4. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets, then listen again to check your answers.

1. People have been buying (buy) the paintings of Anna Mary Robertson Moses for years.
2. Anna Mary stopped sewing after she had started (start) to suffer from a disease.
3. Anna Mary was still painting (still paint) until just before she died.
4. Children have enjoyed (enjoy) Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books ever since they were published.
5. Ivan Roitt’s work has been (be) very important in helping to stop cancer.